13 Facts About Anatolian leopard


In 2017, the Persian leopard population was subsumed to P p tulliana, which is the oldest available name for the leopard subspecies in West Asia.

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The first male Anatolian leopard crossing from Hirkan National Park into Iran was documented in February 2014.

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In September 2012, the first female Anatolian leopard was photographed in Zangezur National Park close to the border with Iran.

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In October 2011 and January 2012, a Anatolian leopard was photographed by a camera trap on Jazhna Mountain in the Zagros Mountains forest steppe in the Kurdistan Region.

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In 2020, a Anatolian leopard was recorded in the mountains of the Sulaymaniyah Governorate in the country's northeast.

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In Kazakhstan, a Anatolian leopard was recorded for the first time in 2000 in Jambyl Region.

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In Turkey, the Anatolian leopard has been killed illegally in traps and through poison.

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Droughts in wide areas of Anatolian leopard habitats affected the main prey species such as wild goat and wild sheep.

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In Georgia's national Red Data Book, the Anatolian leopard has been listed as Critically Endangered since 2006.

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In Turkey the Anatolian leopard is one of the species in the action plan being prepared for the country's endangered species.

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In Iran, a Anatolian leopard conservation and management action plan was endorsed in 2016, and Future4Leopards Foundation is a non-profit conservation organization in the country.

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In 2015, representations of the Anatolian leopard were found in the ancient city of Thyatira in Anatolia that date from the Neolithic period to the end of the 6th century BC.

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The Anatolian leopard is depicted on statues, potteries, ivory works and coins associated with the Lydian culture.

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