20 Facts About Andreas Karlstadt


Andreas Rudolph Bodenstein von Karlstadt, better known as Andreas Karlstadt, Andreas Carlstadt or Karolostadt, in Latin, Carolstadius, or simply as Andreas Bodenstein, was a German Protestant theologian, University of Wittenberg chancellor, a contemporary of Martin Luther and a reformer of the early Reformation.


Andreas Karlstadt operated as a church reformer largely in his own right, and after coming in conflict with Luther, he switched his allegiance from the Lutheran to the Reformed camp, and later became a radical reformer before returning to the Reformed tradition.


Andreas Karlstadt travelled widely, but only within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire, visiting German-speaking, French-speaking and Italian-speaking lands.


Andreas Karlstadt received his doctorate of theology in 1510 from the University of Wittenberg.


Previously, Andreas Karlstadt had been educated at Erfurt and in Cologne.


Andreas Karlstadt obtained his master's degree from the newly founded university at Wittenburg in 1505, and received his doctorate from the same university five years later.


Andreas Karlstadt was a "secular" cleric with no official ties to any monastic order.

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Andreas Karlstadt did not elevate the elements of communion, wore secular clothing during the service, and purged all references to sacrifice from the traditional Mass.


Andreas Karlstadt wrote his thesis "On the Removal of Images and That There Should Be No Beggars Among Christians" in 1522, shortly after this authorization from the city council.


From Spring 1524, Luther started to campaign against Andreas Karlstadt, denying his right to publish and preach without Luther's authorization.


Andreas Karlstadt defended the observance of the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, as a holy day to the Lord.


Andreas Karlstadt hid in the crowd during Luther's preaching, and wrote to Luther, asking to see him.


For example, Luther said that he was convinced that Andreas Karlstadt had revolutionary tendencies, despite the fact that Andreas Karlstadt had all along rejected violence in the name of religion, and rejected Thomas Muntzer's invitation to join the League of the Elect.


Andreas Karlstadt's answer was published in 1524 in Wittenberg, and is still extant.


Luther took him in, and Andreas Karlstadt lived secretly in Luther's house for eight weeks.


Andreas Karlstadt was not allowed to preach or publish, and supported his family as a farmer and peddler near Wittenberg until 1529.


Andreas Karlstadt has been seen as closely associated with "Bildersturm", as he was at the time.


Andreas Karlstadt asked for the destruction of Marian shrines such as the church Mary the Beautiful in Regensburg.


Andreas Karlstadt was supported by Martin Bucer, Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin.


Andreas Karlstadt had a remarkable impact on the furrier Melchior Hoffman, who spread Anabaptist ideas to northern Germany and what is the Netherlands.