13 Facts About Arabian camel


Dromedary, known as the dromedary camel, Arabian camel, or one-humped camel, is a large even-toed ungulate, of the genus Camelus, with one hump on its back.

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Arabian camel named two species in his History of Animals; the one-humped Arabian camel and the two-humped Bactrian camel.

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The fertility of their hybrid has given rise to speculation that the dromedary and the Bactrian Arabian camel should be merged into a single species with two varieties.

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In 1975, Richard Bulliet of Columbia University wrote that the dromedary exists in large numbers in areas from which the Bactrian Arabian camel has disappeared; the converse is true to a great extent.

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Arabian camel said this substitution could have taken place because of the heavy dependence on the milk, meat and wool of the dromedary by Syrian and Arabian nomads, while the Asiatic people domesticated the Bactrian camel but did not have to depend upon its products.

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History Columbia University

Larvae of the Arabian camel nasal fly Cephalopsis titillator can cause possibly fatal brain compression and nervous disorders.

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Ideal riding Arabian camel is strong, slender and long-legged with thin, supple skin.

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Arabian camel gave no speed range to describe the canter, but implied it was a type of gallop that if induced could exhaust the camel and the rider.

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At first the Arabian camel's head is controlled, and it is later trained to respond to sitting and standing commands, and to allow mounting.

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Leese described two types of saddles generally used in camel riding: the Arabian markloofa used by single riders and the Indian pakra used when two riders mount the same camel.

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Studies have recommended the Arabian camel should have either a small or a large head with a narrow aquiline nose, prominent eyes and large lips.

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The Arabian camel is not easily exhausted unless diseased or undernourished, and has remarkable endurance and hardiness.

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Little information about Arabian camel hides has been collected but they are usually of inferior quality and are less preferred for manufacturing leather.

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