11 Facts About Barney Miller


Barney Miller is an American sitcom television series set in a New York City Police Department police station on East 6th St in Greenwich Village.

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Barney Miller takes place almost entirely within the confines of the detectives' squad room and Captain Barney Miller's adjoining office of New York City's fictional 12th Precinct, located in Greenwich Village.

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Barney Miller's son was written out of the show after the first episode, while his wife made appearances through the second season, and very sporadically thereafter.

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Series was born out of an unsold television pilot, The Life and Times of Captain Barney Miller, that aired on August 22,1974, as part of an ABC summer anthology series, Just for Laughs.

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Production of Barney Miller deliberately resembled a theatrical stage play; scenes rarely strayed from the precinct station's squad room, with its prominent open-barred holding cell, and Miller's adjoining office.

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Barney Miller tended to obey two of the three classical unities of drama: unity of place and unity of time.

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Barney Miller was one of the few sitcoms of the period that occasionally mentioned the then-current year or allowed the audience to infer the then-current year.

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When Barney Miller premiered in January, 1975, actress Barbara Barrie was hired as a regular cast member to play Liz Miller, Barney's wise, faithful, and loving wife.

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In that episode, Barney Miller gets shot on duty, but survives his attack virtually unharmed.

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Barney Miller retains a devoted following among real-life police officers, who appreciate the show's emphasis on dialog and believably quirky characters, and its low-key portrayal of cops going about their jobs.

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Barney Miller won a DGA Award from the Directors Guild of America in 1981.

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