The Bundestag was established by Title III of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949 as one of the legislative bodies of Germany and thus it is the historical successor to the earlier Reichstag.
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Bundestag is elected every four years by German citizens aged 18 or over.
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The Bundestag operates in multiple new government buildings in Berlin and has its own police force .
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The 20th Bundestag has five vice presidents and is the most visited parliament in the world.
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The sessions of the German Bundestag were held there from 1949 until its move to Berlin in 1999.
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Together with the Bundesrat, the Bundestag is the legislative branch of the German political system.
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Bundestag members are the only federal officials directly elected by the public; the Bundestag in turn elects the Chancellor and, in addition, exercises oversight of the executive branch on issues of both substantive policy and routine administration.
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Bundestag is elected for four years, and new elections must be held between 46 and 48 months after the beginning of its electoral term, unless the Bundestag is dissolved prematurely.
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The Bundestag has 598 nominal members, elected for a four-year term; these seats are distributed between the sixteen German states in proportion to the states' population eligible to vote.
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The Fraktion meets every Tuesday afternoon in the weeks in which the Bundestag is in session to consider legislation before the Bundestag and formulate the party's position on it.
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Furthermore, any newly elected Bundestag will have to freshly decide on the rules of procedure, which is done by a formal decision of taking over such rules from the preceding Bundestag by reference.
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