19 Facts About Carlism


Carlism is a Traditionalist and Legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty – one descended from Don Carlos, Count of Molina – on the Spanish throne.

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Carlism was a significant force in Spanish politics from 1833 until the end of the Francoist regime in 1975.

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Carlism decided in 1830 to promulgate the 1789 decree, securing the crown for the unborn child even if female.

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Areas over which Carlism could establish some sort of territorial authority during the first war would remain the main bulwarks of Carlism throughout its history, although there were active supporters of the movement everywhere else in Spain.

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Especially in Navarre, Asturias, and parts of the Basque Provinces Carlism remained a significant political force until the late 1960s.

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Carlism's main weapon was a very aggressive press .

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Carlism's stance was an uncompromising adherence to the Carlists' political and, especially, religious principles .

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In 1920, Carlism helped to found the "Sindicatos Libres" to counter the increased influence of leftist trade unions over the working class, clinging to a difficult balance between labour claims and the interests of the upper-class, to whom Carlism was so attached.

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Carlism was succeeded by the 82-year-old claimant Alfonso Carlos de Borbon, reuniting under him the integrists led by Olazabal and the "Mellists".

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Carlism was expelled from the country, while Fal Conde was not allowed to return to Spain until after the war.

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Carlism was taken prisoner by the Nazis and sent to Natzweiler and Dachau concentration camp, where American troops liberated him in 1945.

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Carlism remained the Carlist claimant until his renunciation in 1975.

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Carlism excluded the Luxembourger branch of the family from Carlist succession due to unequal marriages by princes of that branch that were recognized as dynastic by the Grand Duke.

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Carlism inherited the Carlist claim on his father's death in 2010.

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Carlism had reigned as the constitutional king of Spain as Alfonso XIII until his exile in 1931.

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Carlism was the son of King Alfonso XII, son of Francisco de Asis de Borbon, son of Infante Francisco de Paula, the younger brother of Charles V Carlism was recognised as Carlist claimant by a small amount of Carlists who considered the death of Alfonso Carlos an opportunity to reunite Spanish monarchists, both Carlist and Isabelline.

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Carlism's intellectual landscape was a reaction against the basic tenets of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution of 1789; laicism, individualism, egalitarianism, rationalism.

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Carlism was a true mass movement and drew its rank and file from all social classes, with a majority of peasant and working class elements.

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Carlism wrote novels about Carlism and was an active Carlist himself.

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