26 Facts About Chloral hydrate


Chloral hydrate was discovered in 1832 by Justus von Liebig in Gießen when a chlorination reaction was performed on ethanol.

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Chloral hydrate is soluble in both water and ethanol, readily forming concentrated solutions.

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Chloral hydrate has not been approved by the FDA in the United States or the EMA in the European Union for any medical indication and is on the FDA list of unapproved drugs that are still prescribed by clinicians.

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However, chloral hydrate products, licensed for short-term management of severe insomnia, are available in the United Kingdom.

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Chloral hydrate was voluntarily removed from the market by all manufacturers in the United States in 2012.

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Chloral hydrate is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia and as a sedative before minor medical or dental treatment.

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Chloral hydrate is a starting point for the synthesis of other organic compounds.

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Chloral hydrate is an ingredient used for Hoyer's solution, a mounting medium for microscopic observation of diverse plant types such as bryophytes, ferns, seeds, and small arthropods.

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Chloral hydrate is an ingredient used to make Melzer's reagent, an aqueous solution that is used to identify certain species of fungi.

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Long-term use of chloral hydrate is associated with a rapid development of tolerance to its effects and possible addiction as well as adverse effects including rashes, gastric discomfort and severe kidney, heart, and liver failure.

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Chloral hydrate is produced from chlorine and ethanol in acidic solution.

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Chloral hydrate is metabolized in vivo to trichloroethanol, which is responsible for secondary physiological and psychological effects.

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Chloral hydrate is structurally and somewhat pharmacodynamically similar to ethchlorvynol, a pharmaceutical developed during the 1950's that was marketed as both a sedative and a hypnotic under the trade name Placidyl.

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The metabolite of chloral hydrate exerts its pharmacological properties via enhancing the GABA receptor complex and therefore is similar in action to benzodiazepines, nonbenzodiazepines and barbiturates.

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Chloral hydrate was first synthesized by the chemist Justus von Liebig in 1832 at the University of Giessen.

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Historically, chloral hydrate was utilized primarily as a psychiatric medication.

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Chloral hydrate had certain advantages over morphine for this application, as it worked quickly without injection and had a consistent strength.

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Chloral hydrate had some other important advantages that kept it in use for five decades despite the existence of more advanced barbiturates.

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Chloral hydrate was a significant object of study in various early pharmacological experiments.

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In 1875, Claude Bernard tried to determine if chloral hydrate exerted its action through a metabolic conversion to chloroform.

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Finally, chloral hydrate was the first hypnotic to be used intravenously as a general anesthetic.

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Chloral hydrate was used as one of the earliest synthetic drugs to treat insomnia.

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Chloral hydrate was still prescribed, although its predominance as a sedative and a hypnotic was largely eclipsed by barbiturates.

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Chloral hydrate put out her hand and measured the soothing drops into a glass; but as she did so, she knew they would be powerless against the supernatural lucidity of her brain.

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Chloral hydrate had long since raised the dose to its highest limit, but to-night she felt she must increase it.

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Chloral hydrate knew she took a slight risk in doing so; she remembered the chemist's warning.

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