13 Facts About Clive Efford


Clive Stanley Efford was born on 10 July 1958 and is a British Labour Party politician who has served as Member of Parliament for Eltham since 1997.


Clive Efford worked in his family jewellery business, until he completed The Knowledge and qualified as London taxi driver in 1987.


Clive Efford was first elected to Greenwich Council in 1986 for the Eltham Well Hall Ward, becoming the Labour Group Chief Whip in 1990.


Clive Efford went on to win the seat at the ensuing general elections in 2001,2005 and 2010, with his majority declining after each until the 2015 general election and increased further in 2017.


Clive Efford made his maiden speech in the House of Commons on 25 June 1997.


In 2005, Clive Efford was responsible for the reformation of the previously defunct Tribune Group, though unlike its previous incarnation, membership was restricted to backbench Labour MPs.


Clive Efford was one of the first MPs to declare his support for Ed Miliband, the successful candidate, in the 2010 Labour leadership election.


Clive Efford was one of 36 Labour MPs to nominate Jeremy Corbyn as a candidate in the Labour leadership election of 2015 and he retained his position in Corbyn's shadow cabinet.


Clive Efford resigned from Corbyn's shadow cabinet following a large number of resignations from the Labour front bench on 28 June 2016.


Clive Efford supported Owen Smith in the failed attempt to replace Jeremy Corbyn in the 2016 Labour Party leadership election.


Clive Efford was shortlisted for the Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Award in 2015 for his work on National Health Service Bill, and he remains in the directory of the Grassroot Diplomat Who's Who publication.


Clive Efford relaunched the Tribune Group of MPs in April 2017, aiming to reconnect with traditional Labour voters while appealing to the centre ground.


Clive Efford endorsed Keir Starmer in the 2020 Labour Party leadership election.