14 Facts About Doom II


Doom II, known as Doom II: Hell on Earth, is a first-person shooter game by id Software.

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Reception of Doom II was very positive, with critics praising that the game refined the good aspects of the original Doom.

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Doom II was ported to the Game Boy Advance in 2002, Tapwave Zodiac in 2004, on Xbox Live Arcade in 2010, and on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2019.

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Doom II was included in the Doom ports for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1995 and 1997.

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Rather than the player playing through three related episodes as in the first Doom II, gameplay takes place over 32 levels, albeit with interludes for when the story develops.

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Doom II doubled the number of non-boss monster types and started using bosses from the original Doom as normal level enemies, in addition to adding a new weapon, the super shotgun, and a new power-up, the megasphere.

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Dooms multiplayer functionality was greatly improved in Doom II, including "out of the box" support for a vastly increased number of dial-up modems.

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Nowadays, in the modern standards, Doom II can be played with almost any version of Windows across the internet using third-party source ports such as Odamex, Zandronum, ZDaemon, and are still popular today.

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Doom II kills the Icon of Sin by firing rockets into its exposed brain.

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Doom II was released on October 10, 1994 in North America and Europe.

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Port for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn came included with the Doom II ports released in 1995 and 1997 for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn, respectively.

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Master Levels for Doom II is an official expansion pack for Doom II which was released on December 26, 1995 by id Software.

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Reception of Doom II was positive, with reviewers saying it refined everything that made the original Doom good.

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Doom II won the Origins Award for Best Fantasy or Science fiction Computer Game of 1994.

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