25 Facts About Foolkiller


Foolkiller is the name of four different fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

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Gerber's Foolkiller miniseries, illustrated by Joe Brozowski under the pseudonym "JJ Birch", was published from October 1990 to October 1991.

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Original Foolkiller was more of a reactionary crusader than subsequent versions of the character.

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Foolkiller was inspired by a faith healer, Reverend Mike Pike, who cured his childhood paralysis.

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Foolkiller donned a flamboyant Zorro-like costume and acquired his "purification gun", a raygun which disintegrated people instantly.

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Foolkiller had sought to kill Ted Sallis, disc jockey Richard Rory, and businessman F A Schist.

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Foolkiller appeared briefly as a mental patient, where he was questioned by Captain America concerning a possible connection with the vigilante known as Scourge of the Underworld.

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Foolkiller appeared as a seemingly much saner inmate, and was interviewed on the Runyan Moody TV show.

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Foolkiller advised the third Foolkiller through a computer bulletin board, though their contact was finally discovered by psychiatrist Dr Mears and the police.

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Foolkiller expresses a desire to write out his feelings, believing it will make him feel better.

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Foolkiller decides to send his memoirs and thoughts to media and publication centers.

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Foolkiller's work-neighbor is a crass, older man who enjoys using his power for thrills and cheap revenge.

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Foolkiller's ever-increasing kills become more violent, taking place in front of, and traumatizing, many innocent people.

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Each version of the Foolkiller primarily used a "purification gun", a pistol capable of shooting a laser-like beam of energy capable of totally incinerating a human being within seconds.

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Foolkiller was a good strategist and a master of disguise.

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New five-issue Foolkiller miniseries, written by Gregg Hurwitz, debuted under Marvel's MAX adult imprint, in October 2007.

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The Foolkiller is obviously different in a number of ways from the Punisher, but he's perhaps the closest thing the Marvel Universe has to him.

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Foolkiller was interested in writing a crime thriller and Punisher was off the table.

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The story of this Foolkiller is told mostly through the eyes of Nate McBride, a former enforcer for a loansharking operation.

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Nate acts as the Foolkiller's assistant, gathering information on the Cheese's henchmen and operations.

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The Foolkiller, concluding that Sickle Moon will abort his mission if his employer is killed, decides to go after the Cheese directly, with Nate acting as a diversion.

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The Foolkiller carries Nate's body to the hospital and announces that Nate's heart should be suitable for a transplant for his daughter.

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Foolkiller will employ whatever weapons are available, but his favorite weapon is a sword cane.

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Foolkiller had an abusive father who preferred his brother Donny over him.

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Foolkiller starts to target her and accuse her of being a "fraud" due to her reliance on her superpowers.

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