Hercules'sculesrcules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero Hercules'sculesracles, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene.
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Hercules'sculesrcules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero Hercules'sculesracles, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene.
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In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures.
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In later Western art and literature and in popular culture, Hercules is more commonly used than Heracles as the name of the hero.
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Hercules'sculesrcules is a multifaceted figure with contradictory characteristics, which enabled later artists and writers to pick and choose how to represent him.
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In Roman mythology, although Hercules was seen as the champion of the weak and a great protector, his personal problems started at birth.
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Latin name Hercules was borrowed through Etruscan, where it is represented variously as Heracle, Hercle, and other forms.
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Hercules'sculesrcules was a favorite subject for Etruscan art, and appears often on bronze mirrors.
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Hercules'sculesrcules had a number of myths that were distinctly Roman.
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Hercules'sculesrcules received various forms of religious veneration, including as a deity concerned with children and childbirth, in part because of myths about his precocious infancy, and in part because he fathered countless children.
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In medieval mythography, Hercules was one of the heroes seen as a strong role model who demonstrated both valor and wisdom, while the monsters he battles were regarded as moral obstacles.
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One glossator noted that when Hercules became a constellation, he showed that strength was necessary to gain entrance to Heaven.
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Hercules'scules mentioned that Roman women do not swear on Hercules'sculesrcules, nor do Roman men swear on Castor.
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Hercules'scules went on to say that women refrain from sacrificing to Hercules'sculesrcules.
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Hercules'sculesrcules was mentioned in the Fables of Gaius Julius Hyginus.
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One, being the Temple of Hercules Musarum, dedicated between 187 and 179 BCE by M Fulvius Nobilior.
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In Roman works of art and in Renaissance and post-Renaissance art, Hercules can be identified by his attributes, the lion skin and the gnarled club ; in mosaic he is shown tanned bronze, a virile aspect.
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Hercules'sculesrcules carrying his son Hyllus looks at the centaur Nessus, who is about to carry Deianira across the river on his back.
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Roman gilded silver bowl depicting the boy Hercules strangling two serpents, from the Hildesheim Treasure, 1st century CE, Altes Museum.
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Hercules'sculesrcules slaying the Hydra Roman copy of 4th century BCE original by Lysippos, Capitoline Museum.
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Hercules'sculesrcules was among the earliest figures on ancient Roman coinage, and has been the main motif of many collector coins and medals since.
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Series of nineteen Italian Hercules movies were made in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
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