11 Facts About Jean Kilbourne


Jean Kilbourne was born on January 4,1943 and is an American public speaker, writer, filmmaker and activist, who is known for her work on the image of women in advertising and her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising.


Jean Kilbourne is credited with introducing the idea of educating about media literacy as a way to prevent problems she viewed as originating from mass media advertising campaigns.


In 1993, Jean Kilbourne was appointed by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services to the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.


In 2005, a Canadian all-female rock band paid tribute to Jean Kilbourne by naming their band Jean Kilbourne, the same year she was granted an honorary doctorate from Westfield State College.


In 1977, Jean Kilbourne became an associate of the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press.


Jean Kilbourne has served as an advisor to the Surgeons General, and holds an honorary position as senior scholar at the Wellesley Centers for Women.


Jean Kilbourne's work has been cited and heavily discussed in academics, in both research journals and the classroom.

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In Tyson Smith's Pumping Irony: The Construction of Masculinity in a Post-feminist Advertising Campaign Jean Kilbourne is cited for her statements on advertising alcohol in the article's section focusing on a campaign for Jim Beam bourbon, which sought to bring the young, white, middle-class heterosexual male.


In 2020, Jean Kilbourne wrote for Ms Magazine with Jackson Katz criticism of Donald Trump in the toxic masculinity era.


Jean Kilbourne has twice received the Lecturer of the Year award from the National Association for Campus Activities and was once named one of the three most popular speakers on campuses by The New York Times Magazine.


Jean Kilbourne received a most unusual tribute in 2004 when an all-female rock band in Canada named itself Kilbourne in her honor.