13 Facts About Jigme Lingpa


Jigme Lingpa was a Tibetan terton of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

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Jigme Lingpa was the promulgator of the Longchen Nyingthig, the Heart Essence teachings of Longchenpa, from whom, according to tradition, he received a vision in which the teachings were revealed.

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Prefiguring Jamgon Kongtrul's creation of the Five Collections, Jigme Lingpa gathered Nyingma texts that had become rare, starting with Nyingma tantras held in the manuscript collection of the Mindrolling Monastery.

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Major precursor of the Rime movement, Jigme Lingpa had many distinguished disciples in all four lineages.

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Jigme Lingpa, translated by Sam van Schaik, states how his learnings commenced:.

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Jigme Lingpa was himself ambivalent about some of these activities:.

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Jigme Lingpa even admits that the ancient ordinance of Lha Lama Shiwa O and Changchub O, which famously censured the indulgences of Nyingma practitioners, might have been merited.

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Jigme Lingpa was a reincarnation of two important masters, Vimalamitra and King Trisong Deutsen.

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Jikme Jigme Lingpa discovered the Longchen Nyingtik teachings as mind terma at the age of twenty-eight.

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Jigme Lingpa remained in the depths of that meditation experience of clear luminosity for a long time.

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Jigme Lingpa finally reached a circular path, which he thought to be the circumambulation path of Jarung Khashor, now known as Boudhanath Stupa, an important Buddhist monument of giant structure in Nepal.

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Jikme Jigme Lingpa kept this terma secret for years, and he did not even transcribe the terma until he entered another retreat in which he had a series of visions of Longchen Rabjam.

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Jigme Lingpa is known for his autobiographical works, primarily his outer autobiographies found in his nine-volume "Collected Works" alongside his "Heart Sphere" cycle and other historical works.

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