41 Facts About Jim Corrigan


Jim Corrigan is the name of three fictional characters that have appeared in numerous comic books published by DC Comics.

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The character, created by Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, and Michael Lark although similar to the first Jim Corrigan in being a police detective, again is not related to him and served as a red herring of who would become the new Spectre.

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Jim Corrigan appeared in a live-action portrayal by Emmett J Scanlan in the television series Constantine.

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Jim Corrigan began his career as the Spectre in the early 1940s, when the hard-boiled police detective was murdered.

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Jim Corrigan was condemned to return to Earth for sixty years of punishing wrongdoings.

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Jim Corrigan broke off with his partner, and became more of a lone agent, trying to distance himself from his mortal ties, although he retained his job on the police force.

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The latter instance found Jim Corrigan pinned down by criminals he was after, and his demands for the Spectre's help resulted in the tired spirit acting harshly and hurting an innocent man in the vicinity.

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Now a lieutenant in New York City, Jim Corrigan was investigating the murder of wealthy businessman Adrian Sterling and met the victim's daughter Gwen.

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Jim Corrigan did not realize this until he was shot in the line of duty a few hours later.

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However, Jim Corrigan was again murdered by criminals and again sent back to Earth by the Voice as the Spectre.

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Jim Corrigan took vengeance upon his killers, then appeared to Gwen to give her the news.

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Jim Corrigan was somehow connected to the killings, his appearances here were brief and perfunctory.

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Jim Corrigan appeared in each of the Spectre's three The Brave and the Bold team-ups with Batman during this era, one of which included fighting against the evil sorcerer Wa'arzen .

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The body of Jim Corrigan still served as a host to the Spectre, but the Spectre could move on his own separately for a whole day, afterwards needing to return to Jim Corrigan's body to replenish his energy.

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Jim Corrigan learned that his old methods no longer applied to the world he lived in and he was forced to make certain concessions.

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Jim Corrigan's transformation begins in the first few issues of the new volume.

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Jim Corrigan meets Amy Beitermann, a social staff worker and Inspector Nate Kane, a friend of Amy.

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Troubled, Jim Corrigan turns to the church, where he meets Father Richard Craemer, a somewhat unorthodox one at that though, often disagreeing with the church method.

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Thanks to Craemer, Jim Corrigan is able to reassert control of the Spectre and see the error of his ways.

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Jim Corrigan learns that, unbeknownst to him, he has been keeping his old fiance Clarice Winston alive with his powers.

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Jim Corrigan's is almost killed by her granddaughter Clarissa, and as punishment the Spectre switches their souls.

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Jim Corrigan was finally able to see the current American world, including its segregation of the African Americans, the abuse of the Native Americans, but the subjugation of women and other parts of America's past.

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Ultimately, with the help of his friends, and various spirits that represent the spirit of America today, a new American talisman is created, and Jim Corrigan finds himself starting to change into a different man, and what he believes to be a better man.

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Intrigued, Nate Kane investigates further and he comes upon facts that indicate that Jim Corrigan might have been a murderer before his involvement with the Spectre.

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Jim Corrigan learns of what Nate is doing and the two part ways.

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Jim Corrigan finally meets Nate Kane and the woman he previously thought he had murdered.

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Jim Corrigan is bombarded with the nature of God and becomes one with every particle in the universe.

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The experience again conflicts the Spectre and Jim Corrigan, and pushed to the brink, they are ejected from the Source Wall.

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Jim Corrigan's father tried to imprint his black and white view of good and evil on the young boy, even though he himself often gave into sin.

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Amongst his old friends of the JSA and his love Amy in Heaven, Jim Corrigan refuses to leave the afterlife to rejoin with the Spectre, stating that he is finally at peace and that his time in Heaven has sapped his will to the point that he would no longer be able to control the Spectre anyway.

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Jim Corrigan is guided by the Phantom Stranger on the instructions of The Voice.

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Jim Corrigan leads Jim Corrigan to the abandoned warehouse where she is being kept, but this turns out to be a trap.

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The rage-filled Jim Corrigan was performing his duties as the Spectre by practicing vengeance rather than justice, until the Phantom Stranger attacked his police precinct, convinced he was the one who kidnapped his family out of revenge.

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Jim Corrigan has no discernible weakness other than needing a human host to be able to be a fair and impartial judge, although he has been tricked before by the Psycho-Pirate and Eclipso.

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Crime Scene Unit officer in the Gotham City Police Department, Jim Corrigan is, like so many of that city's police force, corrupt.

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Allen, who loathed the fact that Jim Corrigan had gotten off due to Montoya's desire to protect him, had begun investigating Jim Corrigan.

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Jim Corrigan's stormed into Corrigan's apartment and after knocking out his girlfriend, threatened to kill Corrigan by placing a gun in his mouth.

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Conversation between McCay and Deadman reveals that, with the passing of time, Jim Corrigan has become further and further removed from humanity, now only wearing his cloak to cover an otherwise nude body .

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Jim Corrigan is reminded by McCay of his humanity to see things through the perspective as the man he once was and decides no one is to blame.

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Jim Corrigan becomes a member of McCay's congregation and they become friends.

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Jim Corrigan helps Batman and Shayera Hol in bringing his counterpart Spectre back under his control.

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