13 Facts About JRuby


JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java Virtual Machine, written largely in Java.

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JRuby is tightly integrated with Java to allow the embedding of the interpreter into any Java application with full two-way access between the Java and the Ruby code.

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In July 2009, the JRuby developers left Sun to continue JRuby development at Engine Yard.

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JRuby was originally created by Jan Arne Petersen, in 2001.

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JRuby packages are available for most platforms; Fedora 9 was among the first to include it as a standard package at JRuby 1.

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JRuby has been able to run the Ruby on Rails web framework since version 0.

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JRuby is designed to work as a mixed-mode virtual machine for Ruby, where code can be either interpreted directly, just-in-time compiled at runtime to Java bytecode, or ahead-of-time compiled to Java bytecode before execution.

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JRuby has built-in support for Rails, RSpec, Rake, and RubyGems.

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JRuby is similar to the standard Ruby interpreter except written in Java.

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The key difference is that JRuby is tightly integrated with Java, and can be called directly from Java programs.

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One powerful feature of JRuby is its ability to invoke the classes of the Java Platform.

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JRuby allows the user to call Java code using the more Ruby-like underscore method naming and to refer to JavaBean properties as attributes:.

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JRuby has the significant architectural advantage to be able to leverage JVM threads without being constrained by a global interpreter lock, therefore achieving full parallelism within a process, which Ruby MRI cannot achieve despite leveraging OS threads.

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