11 Facts About Kiwix


Kiwix is a free and open-source offline web browser created by Emmanuel Engelhart and Renaud Gaudin in 2007.

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In 2012, Kiwix received a grant from Wikimedia France to build a kiwix-plug, which was deployed to universities in eleven countries known as the Afripedia Project.

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In February 2013 Kiwix won SourceForge's Project of the Month award and an Open Source Award in 2015.

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Kiwix offers full text search, tabbed navigation, and the option to export articles to PDF and HTML.

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Kiwix-hotspot is an HTTP server version for plug computers, which is often used to provide a Wi-Fi server.

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List of content available on Kiwix is available for download, including language-specific sublists.

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Kiwix can be installed on a desktop computer as a stand-alone program, installed on a tablet or smartphone, or can create its own WLAN environment from a Raspberry Pi.

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Kiwix is available in the native package managers of most Linux distributions.

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From 2014 to 2020, it was absent, due to XULRunner, a program on which Kiwix depended, being deprecated by Mozilla and removed from the package databases.

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Kiwix is available on Debian-based distros, such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint, and in the Sugar and ArchLinux distributions.

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Kiwix is available in the Microsoft Store, on Google Play, and Apple's iOS App Store.

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