18 Facts About La Llorona


La Llorona is a Hispanic-American mythical vengeful ghost who is said to roam waterfront areas mourning her children whom she drowned.

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However, La Llorona is most commonly associated with the colonial era and the dynamic between Spanish conquistadores and indigenous women.

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The most common lore about La Llorona includes her initially being an Indigenous woman who murdered her own children, which she bore from a wealthy Spaniard, after he abandoned her.

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The villainous qualities of La Llorona, including infanticide and the murdering of one's own blood is assumed to be connected to the narrative surrounding Dona Marina, known as El Malinche, or Maltinzin in her original nomenclature.

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Today, the lore of La Llorona is well known in Mexico and the Southwestern United States.

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The motherly nature of La Llorona's tragedy has been compared to Chihuacoatl, an Aztec goddess deity of motherhood.

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La Llorona's seeking of children to keep for herself is significantly compared to Coatlicue, known as "Our Lady Mother" or Tonantsi, a monster that devours filth or sin.

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Legend of La Llorona is traditionally told throughout Mexico, Central America and northern South America.

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La Llorona became pregnant, gave birth to a child named Juan de la Cruz who she drowned so her husband would not know.

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Tale of La Llorona is set in the Venezuelan Llanos during the colonial period.

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La Llorona is said to be the spirit of a woman that died of sorrow after her children were killed, either by herself or by her family.

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Rene Cardona's 1960 film La Llorona was shot in Mexico, as was the 1963 horror film, The Curse of the Crying Woman directed by Rafael Baledon.

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Also in 2019, Jayro Bustamante directed the Guatemalan film La Llorona, starring Maria Mercedes Coroy, which screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival.

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Legend of La Llorona was a film released in January 2022 and stars Danny Trejo, Autumn Reeser, and Antonio Cupo.

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Also La Llorona was portrayed by a story, by the TV show called the Grimm.

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La Llorona combined a variety of musical genres including klezmer, gypsy jazz and Mexican folk music, all in the Spanish language.

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Contrary to the usual depictions, this version of La Llorona is good and simply lonely and claims to have had twenty kids who had all grown up and left her; implying that she suffers from Empty nest syndrome.

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La Llorona makes the kids promise to take good care of the library along with a warning, showing a ghostly face at the same time.

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