23 Facts About LiveJournal


LiveJournal, stylised as LiVEJOURNAL, is a Russian-owned social networking service where users can keep a blog, journal, or diary.

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In December 2016, the service relocated its servers to Russia, and in April 2017, LiveJournal changed its terms of service to conform to Russian law.

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Term "friend" on LiveJournal is mostly a technical term, but because it is emotionally loaded for many people, there have been discussions in such LiveJournal communities as lj_dev and lj_biz as well as suggestions about whether the term should be used this way.

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LiveJournal community is a collective blog in which different users can post messages.

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Development of the LiveJournal software has seen extensive volunteer involvement in the past.

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LiveJournal is most popular in English-speaking countries, and the United States has by far the most LiveJournal users among users who choose to list a location.

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LiveJournal provides an option intended to reduce the chances of search engines indexing a journal; however, the only way to make it completely impossible for such indexing to occur is to set the entry security to "friends only" or higher when first posting the entry.

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LiveJournal allows users to create custom user groups within their group of friends to further restrict who can read any particular post, and to allow reading of subsets of a user's friends list.

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LiveJournal additionally has a "private" security option which allows users to make a post that only the poster can read, thus making their LiveJournal a private diary rather than a blog.

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LiveJournal allows paid account users to change privacy settings on past entries in bulk.

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LiveJournal continued to serve on the Advisory Board of LiveJournal, Inc until it was retired in June 2010.

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In December 2016, LiveJournal moved to servers hosted in Russia, and in April 2017 it changed its terms of service to conform to Russian law and to be written only in Russian.

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LiveJournal's management pointed out that the invite code system had always been intended to be temporary.

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LiveJournal friendships are not necessarily mutual; any user can befriend or "defriend" any other user at any time.

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Dreamwidth code fork of LiveJournal has split the 'friend' concept into its two component pieces of subscription and access.

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LiveJournal created an Abuse Prevention Team and processes to handle claims about violations of the Terms of Service, violations of copyright, violations of the law, and other issues.

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LiveJournal responded by changing the FAQ on appropriate content for default user pictures.

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LiveJournal responded by removing the advertisement from the website and issuing an apology to its users.

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In March 2008, LiveJournal discontinued the ability for new users to select the "basic" level of journal, which allowed for a minimal set of features with no advertising at no cost.

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Advertisement in LiveJournal is based on the user's preferable categories, gender, age, location, interests, or a small portion of public page contents.

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In May 2007, LiveJournal suspended approximately 500 accounts and communities, causing what CNET referred to as a "revolt" from "thousands of LiveJournal customers", after a number of activist groups, including one named Warriors for Innocence, reported pedophilic material on its website.

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In October 2010, LiveJournal was blocked in Kazakhstan by court order due to blogs containing extremist content.

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However, they often have different terms of service than LiveJournal's, making them attractive to users who have become disenchanted with LiveJournal's rules and wish to move their journals to other hosts.

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