13 Facts About Lucy Banda-Sichone


Lucy Banda-Sichone was a Zambian civil rights activist who played a pivotal role in representing the Zambian people who had their rights violated by the State at the time.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone represented several displaced villagers who had been accused of squatting, and represented the people in court as pro bono clients.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone joined the United National Independence Party shortly after it had lost to the Movement for Multiparty Democracy in the 1991 presidential election.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone grew up with a father who had been very strict about her education.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone obtained her degree in 1981 and won a Rhodes scholarship to study for a Philosophy and Economics degree at Oxford University in England.

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The “way I was left destitute, ” Lucy Banda-Sichone wrote to the Principal of Somerville College at Oxford University after winning her Rhodes Scholarship, “has given me the idea of what I want to do…start a Legal Clinic for widows and orphans.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone Sichone represented many clients covering a wide range of issues including government land disputes and personal issues similar to those she had experienced as a widow.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone's calculus was probably that an association with UNIP would help spread her message about safe guarding human rights and holding politicians accountable.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone wrote, “The freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights make it a sacred duty for me to defend them to the death.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone eventually gave herself up and a sort of truce existed between her and the authorities.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone Sichone died at the age of 44 at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, on August 24,1998.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone fought battles to defend the lives of others even when her own was failing her.

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Lucy Banda-Sichone gave me a certificate carrying her immortal signature and asked all the recipients that day to carry her dream even further.

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