16 Facts About Maggott


Maggott is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

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Maggott was first seen as a mysterious mutant who is searching out the X-Men's adversary Magneto for an unknown reason.

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Maggott's search led to Antarctica where Magneto was holding the X-Men captive.

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Maggott then joined up with the team and returned with them to their Westchester, New York headquarters.

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Maggott even tried to turn himself over to the police before being stopped by the X-Men.

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Maggott's companions turned out to be innocent, as the people had been slain by a faction of N'Garai, though they hated to be called so.

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Maggott later was tempted by the entity Shadow King with promises of a better life in exchange for his loyalty and abandonment of the X-Men.

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Maggott had been born a sickly child in Apartheid-era South Africa and was named Japheth.

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Maggott was always very ill and he could not digest solid food.

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Maggott reappeared as an inmate at "Neverland, " a concentration camp run by the covert government program Weapon X Along with a number of other mutants, he was exterminated there.

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Maggott is later resurrected by means of the Transmode Virus to serve as part of Selene's army of deceased mutants.

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Maggott's fate is uncertain as it is unknown if he was among the mutants teleported to Genosha by Blink to serve as a sacrifice to the newly-deitious Selene or if he was among the mutants that managed to escape Utopia.

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Maggott was confirmed to still be alive and powered as he was a guest at a superheroes and supervillains-themed costume party of New York branch of the Hellfire Club and was later apparently passed out drunk with other party guests around an outdoor swimming pool.

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An alternate, child version of Maggott later appears in the Morlock tunnels underneath New York.

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Maggott was present when Havok and his Jenoshan's invaded X-City to kidnap one of Ms.

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Maggott would attend the meeting wherein Rachel addressed her intent to invade Genosha to get her people back, but again he did not participate in the Melee that followed.

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