18 Facts About Medical informatics


Health informatics is the field of science and engineering that aims at developing methods and technologies for the acquisition, processing, and study of patient data, which can come from different sources and modalities, such as electronic health records, diagnostic test results, medical scans.

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Health Medical informatics is a spectrum of multidisciplinary fields that includes study of the design, development and application of computational innovations to improve health care.

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The disciplines involved combines medicine fields with computing fields, in particular computer engineering, software engineering, information engineering, bioMedical informatics, bio-inspired computing, theoretical computer science, information systems, data science, information technology, autonomic computing, and behavior Medical informatics.

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In some countries term Medical informatics is used in the context of applying library science to data management in hospitals.

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The first examination for board certification in the subspecialty of clinical Medical informatics was offered in October 2013 by American Board of Preventive Medicine with 432 passing to become the 2014 inaugural class of Diplomates in clinical Medical informatics.

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Development of the field of clinical Medical informatics led to the creation of large data sets with electronic health record data integrated with other data .

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CRI is a fairly new branch of Medical informatics and has met growing pains as any up and coming field does.

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Researchers and the Medical informatics team have a difficult time coordinating plans and ideas in order to design a system that is easy to use for the research team yet fits in the system requirements of the computer team.

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Translational BioMedical informatics is a relatively new field that surfaced in the year of 2000 when human genome sequence was released.

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Medical informatics robot is a robot used in the medical sciences.

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Field of computer engineering is known in Europe as technical Medical informatics and is closely related to engineering Medical informatics which includes information engineering.

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NeuroMedical informatics is a scientific study of information flow and processing in nervous system.

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Early names for health informatics included medical computing, biomedical computing, medical computer science, computer medicine, medical electronic data processing, medical automatic data processing, medical information processing, medical information science, medical software engineering, and medical computer technology.

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The American College of Medical Informatics has since 1993 annually bestowed the Morris F Collen, MD Medal for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Medical Informatics.

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Harvard Medical School added a department of biomedical informatics in 2015.

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The University of Cincinnati in partnership with Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center created a biomedical informatics Graduate certificate program and in 2015 began a BMI PhD program.

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In 2003, the Ministry of Health released the Development Lay-out of National Health Informatics indicating the identification of standardization for health Medical informatics which is 'combining adoption of international standards and development of national standards'.

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Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics was established in 1987 to promote the use of information technology in health care.

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