47 Facts About Mike Cernovich


Michael Cernovich was born on November 17,1977 and is an American right-wing social media personality, political commentator, and conspiracy theorist.


Mike Cernovich describes himself as part of the new right and some have described him as part of the alt-lite.


Mike Cernovich became a blogger in the 2000s, focusing on anti-feminist themes.


Mike Cernovich created a website, Danger and Play, in 2011; it was first known for his postings about men's rights and mindset techniques.


In 2014, Mike Cernovich became a prominent figure in the Gamergate harassment campaign against several women in the video game industry, and through this built a following among the alt-right.


Mike Cernovich was an early supporter of Republican candidate Donald Trump, and promoted conspiracy theories about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


Mike Cernovich is known for his promotion of fake news, conspiracy theories, and smear campaigns.


Mike Cernovich helped spread the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which falsely claimed that John Podesta and other high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child-sex ring.


Mike Cernovich unearthed old tweets by Sam Seder and James Gunn joking about pedophilia, and initially succeeded in pressuring to get them fired, but both were reinstated after public outcry.


Mike Cernovich was born on November 17,1977, in the farming town of Kewanee, Illinois.


Mike Cernovich's family was poor, and his parents were both devout Christians.


Mike Cernovich graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from the University of Illinois at Springfield in 2001.


Mike Cernovich graduated with a Juris Doctor from Pepperdine University School of Law in 2004.


In 2015, Mike Cernovich self-published Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions, Improve Your Health and Fitness, Make More Money and Live Life on Your Terms, which became a bestseller in the motivational self-help category on Amazon.


In 2016, Mike Cernovich was an associate producer for Cassie Jaye's documentary The Red Pill, which discusses the men's rights movement, and issues like male suicide, child custody, and educational inequality.


In 2018, Mike Cernovich produced a documentary called Hoaxed: Everything They Told You Is a Lie, with associate producers Scooter Downey and Jon Du Toit.


Mike Cernovich's writings turned political after Trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential election.


Mike Cernovich became notable for his trolling; his maxims were "conflict is attention", and "attention is influence".


Mike Cernovich identified himself as alt-right, and joined forces with provocateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos.


Mike Cernovich adopted the label "new right", and has described himself as an economic nationalist.


Mike Cernovich was one of the organizers of the January 2017 DeploraBall inaugural ball to celebrate Trump's victory; the name was a reference to Hillary Clinton's earlier "basket of deplorables" comment.


Mike Cernovich banned fellow organizer Baked Alaska after the latter made an antisemitic tweet, and banned Spencer after he discovered the latter had bought a ticket.


In 2015 and 2016, Mike Cernovich repeatedly made false claims that white South Africans were being genocided, which were debunked by Genocide Watch.


In 2018, Mike Cernovich became "increasingly critical" of Trump, and less politically active.


Mike Cernovich voiced his support for Ron DeSantis for the 2024 election.


Mike Cernovich, who had used the hashtag 60 times, later deleted the tweets, and downplayed his involvement in propagating the theory.


Mike Cernovich has supported the unevidenced theory that there were multiple shooters at the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, which he claims the government is covering up.


In 2016, Mike Cernovich worked with Chuck Johnson and Wikileaks to offer a bounty for information supporting the conspiracy theory that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich had been behind a leak of emails from the Democratic National Committee.


New York Magazine's Jesse Singal deemed it gonzo journalism, while CNN's Tom Kludt said Mike Cernovich "gained prominence in the Trump-era for legitimate national security related scoops".


Mike Cernovich claimed that his sources were sympathetic employees of mainstream media outlets, whose outlets were "sitting on this story".


On May 8,2017, Mike Cernovich reported that McMaster had called White House director of strategic communications Hope Hicks a "high schooler".


Mike Cernovich was interviewed on Foreign Policy's podcast in relation to his anti-McMaster campaign, and discussed the tension between journalism and activism.


Mike Cernovich then gave the documents to BuzzFeed, saying he did not publish them on his own because he thought Democrats would attempt to discredit him.


Singal described conservatives as believing "[people like Mike Cernovich] are on the right side, and they're set to overtake those corrupt dinosaurs who have controlled the flow of information for far too long".


In January 2017, Mike Cernovich filed a motion to unseal evidence and depositions from Giuffre's lawsuit.


Mike Cernovich told Politico he was "astonished" by the amount of redactions the judge allowed, with some documents "largely or entirely redacted".


In February 2020, Mike Cernovich filed a third-party motion in Roger Stone's criminal case, calling for the release of the jury foreperson's questionnaire answers.


Mike Cernovich became influential on social media, initially as part of the manosphere movement.


Mike Cernovich uses trolling tactics, which he says he uses to build his brand rather than for his own amusement.


In December 2017, Mike Cernovich hosted an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit, regarded as a failure by several media outlets.


In 2014, Mike Cernovich became a prominent figure of Gamergate, which targeted feminists as part of a nascent culture war in the aftermath of the MeToo movement.


Mike Cernovich hired private investigators to hound Zoe Quinn, a central target of Gamergate, and worked with Eron Gjoni, Quinn's former boyfriend who had written the disparaging blog post about Quinn which incited the harassment campaign.


In December 2017, Mike Cernovich published a Medium post and contacted several journalists and news outlets about a joke tweet that comedian and MSNBC contributor Sam Seder had written in 2009.


Over 12,000 people signed a petition protesting Seder's termination, arguing that Mike Cernovich had acted in malice and was deliberately mischaracterizing the tweet.


Mike Cernovich married his first wife when he was a law student in 2003.


Mike Cernovich later said the marriage was "ruined by feminist indoctrination".


Mike Cernovich filed for divorce in 2011, and Cernovich received what he has described as a "seven-figure sum" in the settlement.