11 Facts About Nirat


Nirat is a lyrical genre, popular in Thai literature, which can be translated as 'farewell poetry'.

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Nirat Hariphunchai is traditionally believed to be the first Nirat to appear in the Thai language.

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Nirat simply uses his trickeries, jests and pranks to upend lives and affairs of others which sometimes results in tragic outcomes.

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Nirat composed Royal Barge Procession songs or kap he reu to be used during the King's grand seasonal water-way procession which is a unique tradition of the Siamese.

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Nirat mastered and perfected the art of klon suphap and his verses in this genre are considered peerless in the Thai language to the present day.

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Nirat's reign was known as the "golden age of Rattanakosin literature".

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Nirat is generally ranked second only to Sunthorn Phu in terms of poetic brilliance.

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Nirat later wrote and popularized many plays, based on folk stories or old plays that survived the destruction of the old capital, including:.

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Nirat appoints his sons as rulers of the cities he has won.

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Nirat became the first Thai writer to draw inspirations from Western literary sources and produces an epic based, loosely, upon an amalgamation of those myths and legends.

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Nirat's works were thus popular among common Siamese, and he was prolific enough to make a living from it.

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