11 Facts About Oliver Pollock


Oliver Pollock was a merchant and financier of the American Revolutionary War, of which he has long been considered a historically undervalued figure.

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Oliver Pollock is often attributed with the creation of the US Dollar sign in 1778.

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Oliver Pollock began working as a merchant in New Orleans and, through his relationship with O'Reilly, was favorably received by Spanish Louisiana's officials, who granted him free trade within the city.

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Oliver Pollock became the most successful businessman in the city as a result of the scarcity of provisions at the time, bringing in a desperately needed shipment of flour.

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Oliver Pollock stayed in New Orleans for eight years and worked as a plantation owner and selling land in Baton Rouge.

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Oliver Pollock used his fortune to finance American operations in the west, and the successful campaign of General George Rogers Clark in Illinois 1778 occurred with his financial support.

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Oliver Pollock's diplomacy assisted in the surrender of Fort Panmure.

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Oliver Pollock ran for Congress three times, but was not elected, despite garnering the popular vote.

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Oliver Pollock owned plantation land in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana including Trudeau House.

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Oliver Pollock remarried in 1805, to Winifred Deady; they had no children.

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Oliver Pollock finally retired in 1819 to Pinckneyville, Mississippi to the home of his daughter Mary, wife of Dr Samuel Robinson, dying in 1823.

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