10 Facts About Sanctuary movement


Sanctuary movement was a religious and political campaign in the United States that began in the early 1980s to provide safe haven for Central American refugees fleeing civil conflict.

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The movement was a response to federal immigration policies that made obtaining asylum difficult for Central Americans.

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At its peak, Sanctuary movement involved over 500 congregations in the United States, which, by declaring themselves official "sanctuaries, " committed to providing shelter, protection, material goods and often legal advice to Central American refugees.

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Several prominent Sanctuary figures were arrested and put on trial in the mid 1980s, including its two "founders", John Fife and James A Corbett.

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The Sanctuary movement was sparked by the increased appearance of Central Americans at the US-Mexico border.

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Sanctuary movement drew on many aspects of Christian theology, but was centered on compassionate concern for those fleeing violent civil wars raging in Guatemala and El Salvador, but who met with routine deportation in the United States.

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Denominational makeup of the Sanctuary movement was diverse, including Presbyterian, Quaker, Unitarian, Catholic, and Jewish congregations.

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Rabbinical Assembly endorses the concept of Sanctuary movement as provided by synagogues, churches and other communities of faith in the United States.

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The New Sanctuary Movement is a network of houses of worship that facilitates this effort.

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Sanctuary movement traced its roots to the ancient Judaic tradition of sanctuary.

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