12 Facts About Self-driving car


Self-driving car, known as an autonomous car, driver-less car, or robotic car, is a car incorporating vehicular automation, that is, a ground vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input.

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The first semi-automated Self-driving car was developed in 1977, by Japan's Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, which required specially marked streets that were interpreted by two cameras on the vehicle and an analog computer.

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Landmark autonomous Self-driving car appeared in the 1980s, with Carnegie Mellon University's Navlab and ALV projects funded by the United States' Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency starting in 1984 and Mercedes-Benz and Bundeswehr University Munich's EUREKA Prometheus Project in 1987.

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In March 2019, ahead of the autonomous racing series Roborace, RoboSelf-driving car set the Guinness World Record for being the fastest autonomous Self-driving car in the world.

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Some car makers suggest or claim vehicles are self-driving when they are not able to manage some driving situations.

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In July 2016, following a fatal crash by a Tesla Self-driving car operating in "Autopilot" mode, Mercedes-Benz was slammed for a misleading commercial advertising E-Class models which had been available with "Drive Pilot".

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Self-driving car elevators were invented in 1900, but the high number of people refusing to use them slowed adoption for several decades until operator strikes increased demand and trust was built with advertising and features like the emergency stop button.

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Deontological theory suggests that an automated Self-driving car needs to follow strict written-out rules that it needs to follow in any situation.

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In California, self-driving car manufacturers are required to submit annual reports to share how often their vehicles disengaged from autonomous mode during tests.

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In 2018, in a subsequent civil suit between the father of the driver killed and Tesla, Tesla did not deny that the Self-driving car had been on autopilot at the time of the accident, and sent evidence to the victim's father documenting that fact.

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The Self-driving car continued to travel after passing under the truck's trailer.

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The Self-driving car was developed with GM and Cruise investor Honda, and its production is expected to begin in late 2022 in Detroit at GM's Factory Zero.

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