10 Facts About ServiceNation


ServiceNation was a campaign of Be The Change, Inc, a 501 organization based in Boston, Massachusetts.

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ServiceNation's goal was to expand opportunities for Americans to spend a year in non-military national service such as AmeriCorps.

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In January 2016, ServiceNation merged with the Franklin Project at the Aspen Institute and the Service Year Exchange to form Service Year Alliance.

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ServiceNation was founded as a campaign of Be The Change, Inc Be The Change creates national issue-based campaigns that work to solve society's greatest challenges and change the world.

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ServiceNation was a strong advocate for the Edward M Kennedy Serve America Act, which sanctions a significant increase in federal funding for nationwide service programs such as AmeriCorps.

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ServiceNation played a leading role in drafting and advocating for the passage of this legislation.

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On Veteran's Day, November 11,2009, ServiceNation launched a civilian-military initiative called Mission Serve to connect civilian and military communities through shared service and volunteerism.

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In 2011, Be the Change and ServiceNation convened major Hollywood studios, networks, talent agencies, and guilds in the entertainment industry for a yearlong discussion of veteran's issues.

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Since 2008, the ServiceNation Coalition has united organizations across the country who support universal national service and commit to using grassroots action to let elected officials and the nation's leaders know.

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ServiceNation has been criticized by libertarians, National Review Editor Jonah Goldberg, and the John Birch Society.

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