23 Facts About Sindarin


Sindarin is one of the fictional languages devised by JR R Tolkien for use in his fantasy stories set in Arda, primarily in Middle-earth.

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Sindarin is the language usually referred to as the Elf-Tongue or Elven-Tongue in The Lord of the Rings.

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Sindarin is said to be more changeful than Quenya, and there were during the First Age a number of regional dialects.

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Sindarin was first written using the Cirth, an Elvish runic alphabet.

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Sindarin wrote a substantial dictionary of Gnomish and a grammar.

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Sindarin abandoned the words Goldogrin and lam Goldrin in favour of Noldorin.

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Sindarin used much of Noldorin and blended it with "Ilkorin Doriathrin" and added in some new features.

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Sindarin made an effort to give to his Elvish languages the feel and taste of natural languages.

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Sindarin wanted to infuse in them a kind of life, while fitting them to a very personal aesthetic taste.

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Sindarin wanted to build languages primarily to satisfy his personal urge and not because he had some universal design in mind.

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Attempts by Tolkien fans to write in Sindarin began in the 1970s, when the total corpus of published Elvish was only a few hundred words.

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Sindarin is loosely applied to the related languages of the Elves of the same origin as the Grey Elves of Beleriand, who lived in Eriador and further East.

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Sindarin developed from Old Sindarin, itself from Common Telerin under the "shadow" of Middle-earth and not in the holy light of the Two Trees of Valinor.

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Divergence of Sindarin begun first into a Northern or group and a Southern group.

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Sindarin was thus akin to Elwe, Olwe's elder brother, acknowledged as high-king of all the Teleri in Beleriand, even after he withdrew to the guarded realm of Doriath.

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North Sindarin was spoken by the, the northernmost group of the Grey-elves.

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Later Noldorin Sindarin changed, much owing to the adoption of Quenya features, and partially because of to the love of the Noldor for making linguistic changes.

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In Gondor at the end of the Third Age, Sindarin was still spoken daily by a few noble Men in the city Minas Tirith.

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In Old Sindarin, there was a vowel similar to German o, which Tolkien mostly transcribed as œ.

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Unlike the largely agglutinative Quenya, Sindarin is mainly a fusional language with some analytic tendencies.

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Early Sindarin formed plurals by the addition of -i, which vanished but affected the preceding vowels : S, pl.

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Sindarin has a series of consonant mutations, varying between dialects as follows.

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David Salo's A Gateway to Sindarin proposes a more complex set of mutations, based on extrapolation from the Sindarin corpus, as follows :.

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