12 Facts About Stanley Levison


Stanley David Levison was an American businessman and lawyer who became a lifelong activist in progressive causes.


Stanley Levison is best known as an advisor to and close friend of Martin Luther King Jr.


Stanley Levison attended the University of Michigan, Columbia University, and the New School for Social Research.


Stanley Levison received two law degrees from St John's University.


Stanley Levison was instrumental in all the activities of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the organization established by Dr King and other Southern black preachers to further the cause of civil rights.


Stanley Levison initially been introduced to King by Bayard Rustin, a Quaker, in New York City in 1956.


Stanley Levison professionalized the fundraising of the organization and took on many of the publicity tasks, in addition to serving as Dr King's literary agent.


Stanley Levison was a close adviser to Dr King and a ghostwriter for him.


Stanley Levison co-wrote with Clarence Benjamin Jones one of the drafts for Dr King's "I Have a Dream" speech presented at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28,1963.


Stanley Levison was [a] trusted and dedicated adviser, a role he continued to play in support of my work at the Martin Luther King Jr.


Stanley Levison was questioned by the FBI twice, on February 9 and March 4,1960.


Stanley Levison was portrayed by Larry Keith in the 1983 miniseries Kennedy Stanley Levison is portrayed by Bruce Nozick in the 2016 television film All the Way.