15 Facts About Step aerobics


Step aerobics, known as bench aerobics and step training, is a form of aerobic exercise that involves stepping on and off a small platform.

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Step aerobics was studied by physiologists in the 1980s, and in 1990 it swiftly grew in popularity in the US as a style of health club exercise, largely because of promotion by Reebok of the Step Reebok device and associated exercise routines, prominently advocated by Gin Miller.

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Step aerobics was advised by her physical therapist to build her strength back up by stepping on and off an upside-down plastic milk crate.

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Martinez thought the step aerobics idea was good, and introduced Miller to Reebok CEO Paul Fireman who quickly gave the go-ahead to hire Miller and start a major product campaign.

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The Francis study showed that 40 minutes of step aerobics was equivalent to running 7 miles in terms of oxygen breathed and calories burnt, but the body stress was much lower, the same as normal walking.

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Sports Step aerobics extended their reach with manufacturing licenses in Japan and Europe.

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Two months after its introduction to the general public, step aerobics classes were attracting major media attention, starting with a March 1990 article published by The New York Times.

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Step aerobics became widely popular, helping the company sell many thousands of step devices, and millions of lightweight, flexible high-top shoes with ankle support.

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Step aerobics programs were soon developed by Jazzercise, Kathy Smith, Jane Fonda, Molly Fox, and New Zealand health club founder Les Mills.

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In 1991, more videos of step aerobics were released by Cher, Stacey Benson, Denise Austin, Victoria Johnson, Jenny Ford, Gilad Janklowicz, Debbie Tellshow, Cory Everson, Karen Flores, Carolyn Brown, and Esquire magazine featuring Marian Ramaikas.

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Step aerobics sold Bench Blast to Reebok in 1991, to focus on BenchAerobix.

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Step aerobics is one of several low-impact aerobic exercises, along with water aerobics, dance aerobics and fast walking.

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Step aerobics is similar to climbing stairs, but performed while staying in one place.

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Music for step aerobics should be medium tempo, typically 118 to 122 beats per minute.

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Elements of step aerobics can be blended into other exercise styles such as kickboxing or Zumba to create hybrid or combo styles.

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