13 Facts About Tamaulipas


Tamaulipas, officially the Free and Sovereign State of Tamaulipas, is a state in the northeast region of Mexico; one of the 31 states which, along with Mexico City, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico.

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Tamaulipas is bordered by the states of Nuevo Leon to the west, San Luis Potosi to the southwest, and Veracruz to the southeast.

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Name Tamaulipas is derived from Tamaholipa, a Huastec term in which the tam- prefix signifies "place ".

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Tamaulipas was originally populated by the nomad Chichimec and sedentary Huastec, in addition to non-Chichimec hunter-gatherer and fishing tribes.

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In 1824, after the Mexican War of Independence from Spain, and the fall of the Mexican Empire, Tamaulipas was one of the 19 founder states of the new United Mexican States.

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In 1848, after the Mexican–American War, Tamaulipas lost more than a quarter of its territory via the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

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Portions of Tamaulipas supported the republican forces led by President Benito Juarez in resisting the French, especially in the north.

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Southern Tamaulipas' economy is based primarily on the petrochemical industries.

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Tamaulipas is served by 5 international airports and one national airport.

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Current anthem of the state of Tamaulipas is Himno a Tamaulipas, composed in 1926 by Rafael Antonio Perez Perez, set to music by Alfredo Tamayo Marin.

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State of Tamaulipas is one of the most affected by violence in the country, mainly caused by organized crime.

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In 2013, Tamaulipas reached the first national place in kidnappings with 275 known cases and the ninth place in violent highway robbery .

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Currently Tamaulipas continues to be affected by violence, this being one of the factors that have greatly hindered the economic and social activity of the state.

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