37 Facts About Theon Greyjoy


Theon Greyjoy is one of the major third person points-of-view through which Martin narrates both books.

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Theon Greyjoy is portrayed by English actor Alfie Allen in the HBO television adaptation.

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Theon Greyjoy is the heir apparent and only living son of Balon Greyjoy.

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Theon Greyjoy is the narrator for a total of thirteen chapters in the second and fifth novels, A Clash of Kings and A Dance with Dragons.

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Theon Greyjoy is 19, he is lean and handsome and he has long black hair.

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Theon Greyjoy would have been executed had his father Balon displeased King Robert Baratheon.

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Theon Greyjoy was raised at Winterfell with the Stark children and developed a close friendship with Robb Stark.

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Theon Greyjoy becomes a trusted companion of Robb Stark on the battlefield, participating in the North's victories at Riverrun and the Whispering Wood.

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Theon Greyjoy arrives to find Balon instead intends to seize the North while Robb is fighting in the Riverlands.

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Theon Greyjoy is charged to reave on the Stony Shore, but he decides to take Winterfell.

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When Bran and Rickon Stark apparently escape Winterfell, Reek advises Theon Greyjoy to kill two miller boys and pass their bodies off as those of the Stark children.

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Ramsay imprisons Theon Greyjoy in the Dreadfort's dungeons and tortures him, though most of the Ironborn believed that Theon Greyjoy is dead.

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At some point, Theon Greyjoy manages to escape with his former bedwarmer, Kyra, though this turns out to be a trick of Ramsay's and the two are soon recaptured and as a result, Kyra gets killed.

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When Roose Bolton begins to lead his forces back to the North, Ramsay forces Theon Greyjoy to convince the Ironborn garrison holding Moat Cailin to surrender, but flays them regardless.

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Theon Greyjoy is played by Alfie Allen in the television adaptation of the series of books.

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Nevertheless, Theon Greyjoy initially remains loyal to Robb after he goes to war with the Lannisters and supports his decision to have the North secede from the Seven Kingdoms and form their own kingdom.

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Theon Greyjoy is sent to the Iron Islands to persuade Balon to ally with the Starks against the Lannisters, but Balon instead intends to conquer the North while its army is fighting in the Westerlands.

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Theon Greyjoy is insulted when he is given command of a single ship to raid the Stony Shore and contemplates sending a warning to Robb, but ultimately decides to remain loyal to his family.

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The wildling servant Osha seduces Theon Greyjoy to allow Bran and Rickon Stark the opportunity to escape.

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Theon Greyjoy asks his sister Yara to bring reinforcements, but instead she arrives with a paltry force to warn Theon Greyjoy of his untenable position and to return to the Iron Islands.

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Theon Greyjoy refuses, and soon afterwards Winterfell is besieged by men of House Bolton commanded by Ramsay Snow, the sadistic bastard son of Lord Roose Bolton.

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Theon Greyjoy is taken captive and tortured in an unknown castle, but later manages to escape with the help of a serving boy who claims to work for Yara.

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Theon Greyjoy is brought back to the very castle he escaped from, the serving boy proving to actually be his captor, Ramsay Snow.

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Theon Greyjoy is subsequently brutally tortured, flayed and castrated by Ramsay, who forces him to rename himself Reek, and beats him until he submits to his new name.

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Theon Greyjoy's penis is sent in a box to Balon, with Ramsay threatening to mutilate Theon Greyjoy further unless the Ironmen retreat from the North.

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Balon refuses, as Theon defied him and is unable to further the Greyjoy line.

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Theon Greyjoy, submitting to his identity as Reek, remains a prisoner, locked in the kennels with Ramsay's hounds.

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Theon Greyjoy promises that Ramsay will give the Ironborn amnesty if they surrender, but Ramsay goes back on his word and has the garrison flayed.

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Theon Greyjoy is stunned to find that Ramsay has been betrothed to Sansa Stark.

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Theon Greyjoy tries to avoid her until Ramsay's psychotic paramour Myranda leads Sansa to Theon's sleeping quarters, a cage in the kennels.

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When Sansa confronts Theon Greyjoy, he confesses that he did not kill her brothers, but is too scared to give more information.

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Finally snapping, Theon Greyjoy pushes Myranda over a walkway to her death, just as the victorious Boltons return.

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Theon Greyjoy returns to the Iron Islands to discover that Balon is dead, and offers to support Yara at the Kingsmoot, a ceremony where the Ironborn elect their new leader.

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Theon Greyjoy remains psychologically traumatized by Ramsay's torture, but is urged by Yara to find courage.

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Theon Greyjoy's PTSD is triggered after watching the carnage and he jumps overboard, being rescued some time later by survivors of the battle unimpressed by his cowardice.

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Theon Greyjoy is confronted by Jon Snow, now King of the North after defeating Ramsay.

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Theon Greyjoy defends Bran against the undead until he is the last survivor, but the Night King arrives.

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