24 Facts About Trip Tucker


Charles "Trip" Tucker III, portrayed by Connor Trinneer, is a fictional character in the television series Star Trek: Enterprise.

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Trip Tucker was the chief engineer on the Enterprise and briefly served in the same role aboard the Enterprise's sister ship Columbia.

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Trip Tucker enjoys occasional romantic relationships, including one with an exotic alien engineer in the episode "Unexpected".

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At the request of Dr Phlox, Trip Tucker agreed to undergo Vulcan neuropressure treatments with T'Pol.

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At a crucial point during the Xindi mission, Trip Tucker suffered a potentially fatal injury, and the only way to save his life was to create a clone to harvest needed brain cells.

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Later, following T'Pol's annulment of her marriage, Trip Tucker considered becoming involved with her again; however.

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In 2154, during a mission to prevent a Romulan automated marauder from starting a war, Trip Tucker determined that his attraction to T'Pol was negatively affecting his ability to do his job.

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Trip Tucker subsequently submitted a request to Archer return to Enterprise full-time.

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Trip Tucker served as Enterprise's chief engineer for a full decade, and prepared to transfer to one of the newly built warp 7-capable starships following the decommissioning of Enterprise in 2161, which was to coincide with the signing of the Federation Charter.

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The aliens are about to kill Archer, so Trip Tucker, thinking fast, tells them that he will take them to Shran.

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Trip Tucker leads the aliens into what appears to be a harmless utility closet — he tells them it is simply a com station and he is going to get Shran to come to them.

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Trip Tucker tells them he just needs to connect a couple of things, but when he brings a pair of conduits together, a massive explosion erupts, taking out both Trip Tucker and the aliens.

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In 2153, Trip Tucker lost his sister, Elizabeth, in the Xindi attack on Earth which destroyed her hometown in southern Florida.

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Trip Tucker's parents survived the attack and later relocated to Mississippi; they were invited to attend the signing of the United Federation of Planets treaty in 2161, and kept their promise to attend even after Tucker's death.

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Trip Tucker is knowledgeable about the ancient board game Go, and actually has a Go board in his cabin .

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Trip Tucker has a brief romance with princess Kaitamma from Krios Prime in "Precious Cargo", They enjoy a passionate one-night stand when the pair find themselves alone on an uninhabited planet.

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Trip Tucker is killed when Enterprise's bridge is destroyed shortly before Archer resets the timeline.

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Trip Tucker is long deceased by the time Lorian's version of Enterprise makes rendezvous with its namesake.

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Trip Tucker is subsequently tortured in the agony booth, but vehemently denies any wrongdoing, insisting that he has always been loyal to the Empire and Archer.

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Trip Tucker later confronts T'Pol in main engineering and tells her he spent four hours in the booth.

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Trip Tucker agrees to an undercover mission into Romulan territory to find and neutralize the Romulans' new warp 7 engine program, which will be faster than almost all other warp drives in existence and would undoubtedly endanger the Coalition.

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Trip Tucker is successful, but in the process, he learns that Vulcans and Romulans were once one species.

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Trip Tucker reluctantly agrees to remain officially "dead", lest this secret become public and thereby endanger the newly formed coalition.

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Also, the novel suggests that Trip Tucker's extended lifespan is partly due to the genetic engineering he receives to pass as a Romulan.

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