54 Facts About T'Pol


T'Pol is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise.

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T'Pol is the first Vulcan officer to serve a prolonged term on a human vessel.

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T'Pol remained aboard the Enterprise despite several attempts by her superiors to recall her to Vulcan.

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T'Pol's decision brought considerable scrutiny upon her from her superiors, and increasing support for her from her captain; she ultimately resigned from the High Command and accepted a field commission from Starfleet in 2154, resulting in her being granted the Starfleet rank of Commander.

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Originally viewed by her crew mates with resentment and suspicion, T'Pol was forced to earn the trust of fellow officers, Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker III being a particular focus of friction with her, due to his perception of her being a spy for the Vulcans and their very different personalities.

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T'Pol is more emotional than many other Vulcans and has always struggled to control her emotions, something that greatly concerned her mother.

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T'Pol was born the only child of T'Les, an instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy, and her husband.

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Per Vulcan tradition, T'Pol was bonded with a Vulcan named Koss while they were children and expected to marry as adults .

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Approximately 16 years before joining the crew of the Enterprise, T'Pol served as an agent for the Vulcan intelligence service.

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However, unbeknownst to T'Pol, Talok was a Romulan spy disguised as a Vulcan working in league with corrupt Administrator V'Las of the Vulcan High Command.

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In 2149, T'Pol began her tenure at the High Command's Consulate on Earth, assisting Ambassador Soval in his observation of humanity's progress toward space exploration .

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T'Pol, who is described by her superiors as a maverick and a rebel, became fascinated with Tolaris, a member of a group of emotionally free Vulcans encountered during the first year of the Enterprises mission.

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T'Pol's severed her relationship with Tolaris after she asked him to stop the mind meld and he refused, attempting to continue the meld without her consent, and causing her to forcefully break the link.

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T'Pol's later learned that she had contracted Pa'nar Syndrome from the encounter.

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T'Pol was told that she is genetically incapable of initiating mind melds herself, however following the 2154 overthrow of the Vulcan regime that stigmatized mind-melding she learned otherwise.

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T'Pol's performed her first mind meld upon Hoshi Sato, with the assistance of Jonathan Archer, who had learned details about mind melds during a period of time when he held the katra of Surak.

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T'Pol's began attending the ship's weekly film night social event, and expressed particular admiration for the 1931 film Frankenstein.

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T'Pol's was reportedly less successful at mastering the art of eating with chopsticks, to the amusement of her crew mates.

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T'Pol became adept at "play acting", which she found was often needed in order to successfully fulfill a mission.

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On several occasions during her first two years aboard the Enterprise, T'Pol resisted efforts by her family and the Vulcan High Command to get her to leave the ship and return to her Vulcan obligations.

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When pressed for a reason by Vulcan Ambassador Soval, T'Pol replied that she found working aboard the Enterprise "gratifying", for which she was chided for engaging in an emotional indulgence.

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In 2153, after being ordered to leave the Enterprise and return to Vulcan, T'Pol resigned her commission with the Vulcan High Command in order to accompany the crew of the Enterprise into the Delphic Expanse to find the Xindi, a mysterious race accused of killing seven million humans on Earth.

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T'Pol found herself wanting to experience more of the emotions the Trellium-D had unlocked.

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Over time, as T'Pol became addicted to the Trellium-D injections, her emotions began to flow more freely.

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T'Pol's was nearly killed while trying to recover more Trellium-D after experiencing an erotic dream involving Tucker.

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The older version of T'Pol served aboard an alternate time line version of the Enterprise, which had been transported into the past.

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The older T'Pol advised her that Trip Tucker could provide a safe outlet for her newfound emotions if she could learn to trust him.

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T'Pol's advised her younger self that she could not imagine what her life would have been like without him.

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T'Pol did not choose to pursue a romantic relationship with Trip when the Enterprise returned to normal space in the Expanse.

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T'Pol, who held the record for the longest time spent by a Vulcan serving with humans, has demonstrated her ability to adapt.

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T'Pol asked Trip to return to the Enterprise and, when he replied that he "would think about it" she showed her emotional commitment by pursuing him down the corridor and kissing him.

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T'Pol's has experienced some success in controlling her emotions to a greater degree than she had over the two years.

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Relationship between T'Pol and Trip Tucker is a complex one.

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Dr Phlox urged T'Pol to assist Trip by using Vulcan neuropressure, a system of massage that T'Pol referred to as "intimate" and which is frequently conducted in a semi-clothed state.

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In "Harbinger", a few months after Trellium-D usage and neuropressure sessions, T'Pol learns that Trip is attracted to a MACO aboard the Enterprise.

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In "E²", an alternate timeline is revealed where Commander Tucker and T'Pol get married and have at least one child, who they meet, called Lorian.

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In "Zero Hour", T'Pol reveals her age to him, which she indicated Vulcans consider "intimate" information.

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T'Pol's paused on her way to marry Koss long enough to give Trip a kiss on the cheek, a scandalous public display of affection for a Vulcan, especially in those circumstances.

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T'Pol is studying the original teachings of Surak, and disregards that request.

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T'Pol further indicated that according to Phlox, a different cloning process performed by gene surgeons who were more highly skilled than those employed by Terra Prime would probably result in a viable child.

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When T'Pol first reported to duty aboard the Enterprise, Archer resented her assignment due to his distrust of Vulcans and the fact that the Vulcans had refused to provide starcharts and a copy of the Vulcan database unless T'Pol was assigned to the crew.

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In one alternate timeline, T'Pol devoted her life to caring for Archer when parasites robbed him of the ability to store long-term memory .

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Dr Phlox later implied that T'Pol had fallen in love with Archer during the time that she took care of him.

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T'Pol's grew comfortable in confiding in the ship's chef during the years prior to the finale.

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Dialog in the finale suggests that T'Pol was to be assigned to another vessel following the decommissioning of the Enterprise.

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T'Pol grieved upon her mother's death; following the death of Trip in 2161, she confessed to Archer that she missed her mother more as time went by.

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T'Pol was engaged to marry a Vulcan named Koss prior to the start of the Enterprises mission, with the marriage scheduled for 2151 but elected to delay her marriage indefinitely.

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The fourth-season episode "Home" saw T'Pol having to deal with the consequences of her decision, when she chooses to marry Koss in order to save her mother's professional reputation.

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T'Pol's appears to be unaware that Trip has fallen in love with her .

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The book The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm states that T'Pol has two children – a daughter T'Mir and a son Lorian.

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T'Pol's appears to be more emotional than her counterpart, showing open sarcasm and contempt for Archer, and is seen to either grin or snarl during a brief bout of hand-to-hand combat with Hoshi Sato.

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T'Pol becomes convinced that Archer will never allow Vulcans to be equals, and tries to stop him from taking over the Empire.

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Mirror-T'Pol was inspired by reading the historical logs of our universe's Defiant, which revealed a universe where Humans, Vulcans, and other aliens lived as equals in a benevolent Federation.

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There's the characteristic where Vulcans don't eat food with their hands, and yet they'll write scenes where T'Pol is eating popcorn at a movie or Trip will bring T'Pol a peach.

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