11 Facts About Urdu alphabet


The Urdu alphabet has up to 39 or 40 distinct letters with no distinct letter cases and is typically written in the calligraphic Nasta?liq script, whereas Arabic is more commonly written in the Naskh style.

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Standard Urdu alphabet script is a modified version of the Perso-Arabic script and has its origins in 13th century Iran.

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Urdu alphabet script is an abjad script derived from the modern Persian script, which is itself a derivative of the Arabic script.

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Urdu alphabet has more letters added to the Perso-Arabic base to represent sounds not present in Persian, which already has additional letters added to the Arabic base itself to represent sounds not present in Arabic.

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In modern Urdu alphabet, called to'e is always pronounced as a dental, not a retroflex.

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Urdu alphabet is divided into two variants: gol he and do-casmi he .

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Urdu alphabet uses the same subset of diacritics used in Arabic based on Persian conventions.

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Urdu alphabet uses Persian names of the diacritics instead of Arabic names.

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Roman Urdu alphabet holds significance among the Christians of Pakistan and North India.

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Urdu alphabet was the dominant native language among Christians of Karachi and Lahore in present-day Pakistan and Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan in India, during the early part of the 19th and 20th century, and is still used by Christians in these places.

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However, the usage of Roman Urdu alphabet is declining with the wider use of Hindi and English in these states.

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