10 Facts About West Street


Joe DiMaggio Highway, commonly called the West Street Side Highway and formerly the Miller Highway, is a 5.

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Manhattan borough president Julius Miller said that something had to be done right away and ultimately pushed through the plan for the West Street Side Elevated Highway, which was to eventually bear his name.

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At the time, West Street exhibited a "daily avalanche of freight and passengers in traffic", and was "walled by an unbroken line of bulkhead sheds and dock structures" blocking the view not only of the river, but even of the ships being serviced, and the commerce carried out on those piers and slips was vital to the economic health of the city.

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West Street said that if the Port Authority could put forward a comprehensive plan within five years, he would put his full support behind it.

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West Street pointed out that his plan was only one part of his "comprehensive plan for the relief of traffic congestion"; he had already widened many avenues and removed several Midtown elevated railroad spurs.

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West Street said the plan would not give the NYCRR any rights they did not already have; it was merely a relocation of existing tracks.

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West Street suggested Hudson River Boulevard for the name of the highway.

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West Street disapproved of its ugliness and noise, and suggested simply clearing obstructions to the existing surface road to speed traffic.

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West Street's order was affirmed by the U S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

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Subsequent development project, Lincoln West Street, accepted the elevated highway, but, although Lincoln West Street won approval from the City, it failed to obtain financing.

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