25 Facts About White


White is an important color for almost all world religions.

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White unicorn was a common subject of Postclassical history manuscripts, paintings and tapestries.

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White was the dominant color of architectural interiors in the Baroque period and especially the Rococo style that followed it in the 18th century.

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White was a fashionable color for both men and women in the 18th century.

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White was the universal color of both men and women's underwear and of sheets in the 18th and 19th centuries.

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White movement was the opposition that formed against the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War, which followed the Russian Revolution in 1917.

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White said a house was "a machine for living in" and called for a "calm and powerful architecture" built of reinforced concrete and steel, without any ornament or frills.

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White dwarf is a stellar remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter.

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White is an important symbolic color in most religions and cultures, usually because of its association with purity.

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White is worn by priests at Christmas, during Easter, and during celebrations connected with the other events of the life of Christ, such as Corpus Christi Sunday, and Trinity Sunday.

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White has a long history of use as a religious and political symbol in Islam, beginning with the white banner that tradition ascribes to the Quraysh, the tribe to which Muhammad belonged.

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White represented death in ancient Egypt, representing the lifeless desert that covered much of the country; black was held to be the color of life, representing the mud-covered fertile lands created by the flooding of the Nile and giving the country its name.

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White is associated with cleansing, a Pagan practice that cleans something using the elements.

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White became the banner of the royalist rebellions against the French Revolution.

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In Iran, the White Revolution was a series of social and political reforms launched in 1963 by the last Shah of Iran before his downfall.

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The white ribbon is worn by movements denouncing violence against women and the White Rose was a non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany.

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White is a common color in national flags, though its symbolism varies widely.

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White is the color in Western culture most often associated with beginnings.

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White has long been the traditional color worn by brides at royal weddings, but the white wedding gown for ordinary people appeared in the 19th century.

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White was the traditional color of the coats of doctors, nurses, scientists and laboratory technicians, though nowadays a pale blue or green is often used.

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White is the color most often worn by chefs, bakers, and butchers, and the color of the aprons of waiters in French restaurants.

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White's is a spectral apparition of a female clad in white, in most cases the ghost of an ancestor, sometimes giving warning about death and disaster.

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White is the source of more names for women in western countries than any other color.

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White stone became the material of choice for government buildings in Washington D C and other American cities.

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White flag has long been used to represent either surrender or a request for a truce.

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