10 Facts About Zumaia


Zumaia is a small town in the north of Spain in the Basque Country.

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Zumaia is located at the point where the Urola and Narrondo rivers come together.

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Also, Zumaia is known because it is the place where you can find the Flysch natural phenomenon.

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The land continued being the principal economic activity of the neighbors, in spite of the fact that Zumaia continued having many deficits in agriculture, especially in the production of wheat, corn and beans; until that in 1766 all the houses were recognized to verify if any neighbor possessed more grain than the necessary for their maintenance.

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An interesting fact that took place in Zumaia is that the first diesel engine of the whole Spanish State was set here, precisely in the enterprise Yeregui Hermanos.

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Spain Spanish State

Percentages of the different activities that were stimulating the economy of Zumaia had considerably changed by the beginning of the 20th century.

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Some years later, the economic crisis came to Zumaia, sharpened by moments with readjustment of personnel and even with the closing of some big workshops that had been emblematic until then.

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Octopus and Zumaia have been together since the early days of the creation of the town.

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The tradition of catching octopuses on the coastline of Zumaia has been very typical, and the octopus has become the essence of the culture and tradition of the town.

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But, Zumaia and the octopus have been related by many years, and the freezer is a relatively new item.

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