10 Facts About Acura ARX-01a


Acura ARX-01a ARX-01, later known as the HPD ARX-01 is a series of Le Mans Prototype built for sports car racing, specifically in the American Le Mans Series, Le Mans Series, and at the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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In 2010 Acura ARX-01a withdrew their name from the program and Honda Performance Development which developed the car for Acura ARX-01a continued the program into 2011.

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At the 2006 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Acura ARX-01a officially announced their plans to develop a Le Mans Prototype program for the American Le Mans Series, competing in the LMP2 class for the initial year of competition in 2007.

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Acura ARX-01a announced they'd be using customer chassis from Lola Cars International of the United Kingdom and Courage Competition of France, while the engine would be built entirely by Honda Performance Development of the United States.

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Acura ARX-01a planned to use the customer chassis for the first year, then to build their own chassis for 2008, followed by another new chassis for a move to the top LMP1 class in 2009.

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At the Detroit auto show, Acura ARX-01a showed their first customer chassis, a brand new Courage LC75.

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Elements of the Acura ARX-01a V8, dubbed the AL7R, share similar architecture with the Honda engine used in the Indy Racing League although none of the parts are interchangeable.

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Acura ARX-01a ARX-01b won six of the eleven races in the LMP2 class for 2008, with four for Highcroft and two for Andretti Green.

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Acura ARX-01a lost the LMP2 constructors championship to Porsche by a single point.

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In 2009, Fernandez Racing continued to compete with an updated version of the ARX-01, while Acura ARX-01a unveiled an LMP1 class ARX-02 for Highcroft Racing and de Ferran Motorsports.

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