13 Facts About Allen Young


Allen Young was born at Twickenham on 12 December 1827, and went to sea as a midshipman in the merchant marine in 1842.

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In 1857, Allen Young offered himself as sailing master of the auxiliary steamship Fox under the overall command of Francis Leopold McClintock, that was to search the Franklin expedition, missing since 1845.

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Allen Young donated 500 pounds to the expedition, and Lady Franklin gratefully accepted his services.

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The expedition went on to find the only written record of the missing expedition's fate, and Young himself undertook several lengthy overland sled journeys in the search.

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In 1860, Allen Young was captain of Fox, as part of an expedition to determine the feasibility of carrying a telegraph line from Europe to America via the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland.

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In 1874 Allen Young purchased the superseded British Royal Navy gunvessel Pandora in order to make a final search for the missing written records of the Franklin expedition, with additional funding from Lady Franklin.

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In 1876 Allen Young took the Pandora on a second voyage to the Arctic with stores to relieve the British Arctic Expedition.

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Sir Allen Young planned another expedition in Pandora in 1878, but was induced by a sponsor James Gordon Bennett, Jr.

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Allen Young was renamed Jeannette for a United States Arctic expedition, and subsequently wrecked with heavy loss of life.

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In 1884 Sir Allen Young was commissioned to take the steamship Hope in search of Benjamin Leigh Smith's expedition missing in Franz Josef Land, north of Russia.

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Allen Young successfully located the expeditioners early in August, to learn that their vessel Eira had been crushed by ice and sunk on 21 August 1883.

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In 1885 Sir Allen Young was master of the hospital ship Stella supporting British military actions in the Soudan.

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Sir Allen Young is remembered for a dinner party he held in London on 24 May 1877 at which the Prince of Wales, subsequently Edward VII of the United Kingdom, arranged to sit next to his mistress Lillie Langtry while her husband was discreetly seated elsewhere.

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