14 Facts About American poetry


Much of the American poetry published between 1910 and 1945 remains lost in the pages of small circulation political periodicals, particularly the ones on the far left, destroyed by librarians during the 1950s McCarthy era.

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Toward the end of the millennium, consideration of American poetry had diversified, as scholars placed an increased emphasis on poetry by women, African Americans, Hispanics, Chicanos, Native Americans, and other ethnic groups.

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Louise Gluck is the only contemporary American writer writing primarily poetry who has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, while Bob Dylan, a songwriter, who has written poems, has been awarded the same prize.

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American poetry's wrote tender evocations of home, family life and of her love for her husband, many of which remained unpublished until the 20th century.

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American poetry's was one of the best-known poets of her day, at least in the colonies, and her poems were typical of New England culture at the time, meditating on religious and classical ideas.

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However, as might be expected from what was essentially provincial writing, this late colonial-era American poetry is generally somewhat old-fashioned in form and syntax, deploying the means and methods of Pope and Gray in the era of Blake and Burns.

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American poetry's writes about nature, not only the nature of environment, but the nature of humans.

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The early American poetry is dominated by the need to preserve the integrity of the Puritan ideals that created the settlement in the first place.

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American poetry successfully revitalized a rural tradition with many English antecedents from his beloved Golden Treasury and produced an oeuvre of major importance, rivaling or even excelling in achievement that of the key modernists and making him, within the full sweep of traditional modern English-language verse, a peer of Hardy and Yeats.

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Deep Image American poetry was inspired by the symbolist theory of correspondences, in particular the work of Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca.

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Performance American poetry emerged from the Beat and hippie happenings, the talk-poems of David Antin, and ritual events performed by Rothenberg, to become a serious poetic stance which embraces multiculturalism and a range of poets from a multiplicity of cultures.

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Language school includes a high proportion of women, which mirrors another general trend—the rediscovery and promotion of American poetry written both by earlier and contemporary women poets.

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Haiku has attracted a community of American poetry poets dedicated to its development as a poetic genre in English.

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American poetry is a professor at Boston University and the poetry editor at Slate.

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