14 Facts About Anthracite


Anthracite, known as hard coal, and black coal, is a hard, compact variety of coal that has a submetallic luster.

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Anthracite is categorised into standard grade, which is used mainly in power generation, and high grade and ultra high grade, the principal uses of which are in the metallurgy sector.

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Anthracite derives from the Greek anthrakites, literally "coal-like".

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Anthracite is similar in appearance to the mineraloid jet and is sometimes used as a jet imitation.

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Anthracite is associated with strongly deformed sedimentary rocks that were subjected to higher pressures and temperatures just as bituminous coal is generally associated with less deformed or flat-lying sedimentary rocks.

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Anthracite has a history of use in blast furnaces for iron smelting; however, it lacked the pore space of metallurgical coke, which eventually replaced anthracite.

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Anthracite was first experimentally burned as a residential heating fuel in the US on 11 February 1808, by Judge Jesse Fell in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on an open grate in a fireplace.

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Anthracite differs from wood in that it needs a draft from the bottom, and Judge Fell proved with his grate design that it was a viable heating fuel.

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Anthracite usage was inhibited by the difficulty of igniting it.

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Anthracite was an authorised fuel in terms of the United Kingdom's Clean Air Act 1993, meaning that it could be used within a designated Smoke Control Area such as the central London boroughs.

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Anthracite is processed into different sizes by what is commonly referred to as a breaker.

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Anthracite is classified into three grades, depending on its carbon content.

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Anthracite is divided by size mainly into applications that need lumps – various industrial processes where it replaces metallurgical coke, and domestic fuel – and those that need fines, such as sintering and pelletising.

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Groundhog Anthracite Deposit, located in British Columbia, Canada, is the largest previously undeveloped anthracite deposit in the world.

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