17 Facts About Arashikage


Arashikage is best known as the Cobra Commander's ninja bodyguard, and for his history with fellow ninja Snake Eyes.

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Arashikage is an 8th degree black belt in several martial arts, and can endure unimaginable amounts of hardship and pain.

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Arashikage's tattoo is a hexagram of the I Ching named ??, or "Already Fording".

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Arashikage is most often paired with his sword brother, Snake Eyes, in multi or comic packs.

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Arashikage was included in the Cobra set, along with Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, and a Cobra Trooper.

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Arashikage quickly began to surpass Storm Shadow's abilities and was the Hard Master's choice to succeed him as the head of the clan.

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Arashikage had used technology to replicate Storm Shadow's "ear that sees" blind aiming technique.

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Arashikage's intended target was Snake-Eyes, a revenge killing ordered by Cobra Commander, but the Hard Master had been imitating Snake-Eyes's heartbeat and Zartan shot the wrong target.

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Arashikage was frequently given continuous sessions of brainwashing to ensure his loyalty, and it took him a few years to finally shake off the programming and rejoin his sword brother, Snake Eyes.

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Arashikage relates to the students how he was unable to master a specific skill until he attempted to teach it; this allowed him to view the skill from different angles and ultimately master it.

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Arashikage finds the Red Ninja clan had raised Snake Eyes from the dead, and had used some of their ancient techniques to place Sei-Ten in the body of T'jbang.

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Arashikage is partially successful, but Tomax manages to free Major Bludd and several others, while killing those Cobra Commander considered "loose ends".

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Arashikage once trained with Snake Eyes and has had a bitter rivalry with him.

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Arashikage is a powerful ninja who has adapted his martial arts skills to suit his own evil purposes.

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Arashikage is injured in an explosion, and retreats to a temple in the Himalayas to recover.

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Arashikage then reveals that he was framed for the murder of the Hard Master by Zartan, the real murderer, who proceeded to raise Storm Shadow to be a ruthless assassin, and that he joined Cobra to avenge his uncle's death.

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Arashikage's likeness is featured in League of Legends, where the yordle ninja character named Kennen can be given the Arctic Ops skin, displaying the camo pattern worn by the 1988 Storm Shadow, as well as the character Zed who has a skin that appears similar to his appearance.

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