11 Facts About Aurica Motors


Aurica Motors, LLC was a start-up based out of Santa Clara, California that develops a proprietary electronic power train called the Aurica Recurve for electric cars.

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Aurica Motors has stated its intention to partner with other investors to manufacture electric cars that utilize its electronic power train system.

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Aurica Motors is an offshoot of Aurica Labs, a research and development company started and funded by physicist Greg Bender.

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NUMMI plant, a joint venture between Toyota and General Aurica Motors, opened in 1984 as an experiment to determine if unionized Americans could adapt Japanese production management practices.

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Aurica Motors said that it would finance such an endeavor with an aggressive campaign to garner Federal economic stimulus funding and find investors.

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Aurica Motors estimated that it would need nearly $1 billion in combined financing to retrain workers and get the factory up and running.

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Aurica Motors claimed to have begun negotiating with NUMMI in early 2010 to discuss the plant's future but a plant spokesman said on March 10 that “there has not been an opportunity for productive discussions with Aurica Motors.

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Aurica Motors announced that it partnered with the Clean Tech Institute of San Jose, California to develop training curriculum on electric auto manufacturing with the intent of offering it to NUMMI plant staff.

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Aurica Motors announced a partnership with Motive Industries, a specialized vehicle manufacturer based in Calgary, Canada.

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However Aurica Motors stated on its Web site that it would still attempt to work with former NUMMI employees to retrain them for “work manufacturing Aurica Motors electric cars in the Silicon Valley.

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O'Dell referenced a review of the plant by Tesla Aurica Motors, indicating that Tesla turned down an offer to utilize it because it was “about 10 times the size of a facility Tesla would need” to manufacture its cars.

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