20 Facts About Barnes Foundation


Barnes Foundation is an art collection and educational institution promoting the appreciation of art and horticulture.

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The arboretum of the Barnes Foundation remains in Merion, where it has been proposed to be maintained under a long-term educational affiliation agreement with Saint Joseph's University.

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Albert C Barnes began collecting art as early as 1902, but became a serious collector in 1912.

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Barnes Foundation was assisted at first by painter William Glackens, an old schoolmate from Central High School in Philadelphia.

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Barnes Foundation purchased property in Merion from the American Civil War veteran and horticulturist Captain Joseph Lapsley Wilson, who had established an arboretum there in around 1880.

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Barnes Foundation commissioned architect Paul Philippe Cret to design a complex of buildings, including a gallery, an administration building, and a service building.

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Barnes Foundation brought some of his art collection into the laboratory for the workers to consider and discuss.

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The Barnes Foundation classes included experiencing original art works, participating in class discussion, reading about philosophy and the traditions of art, as well as looking objectively at the artists' use of light, line, color, and space.

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Barnes Foundation believed that students would not only learn about art from these experiences but that they would develop their own critical thinking skills enabling them to become more productive members of a democratic society.

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Early education programs at the Barnes Foundation were taught in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University.

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The Violette de Mazia Foundation was then established after her death, and in 2011 the Barnes Foundation came to an agreement with them to allow the de Mazia Foundation student access to the collection for art education after its move to the Parkway.

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Barnes Foundation created detailed terms of operation in an indenture of trust to be honored in perpetuity after his death.

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Lincoln University, which according to the Barnes Foundation's indenture, controlled four of the five seats on the board of trustees, began an investigation into the Foundation's finances.

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The Barnes Foundation's board believed that a similar investigation was warranted for activities during Glanton's tenure as president.

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Barnes Foundation argued that it needed to expand the board of trustees from five to 15 to increase fundraising.

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Three charitable foundations, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the Lenfest Foundation and the Annenberg Foundation, had agreed to help the Barnes raise $150 million for a new building and endowment on the condition that the move be approved.

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Barnes Foundation proceeded with plans to build a new facility in the 2000 block of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, near the Rodin Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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The opposition group, Friends of the Barnes Foundation, says The Art of the Steal revealed that Ott did not have all the evidence in 2006, when he approved the art collection's move.

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Original Barnes Foundation campus in Merion, Pennsylvania, is a 12-acre arboretum open to the public for tours.

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The plant collection features favorite plants assembled by Mrs Barnes Foundation for teaching purposes, and includes stewartia, aesculus, phellodendron, clethra, magnolia, viburnums, lilacs, roses, peonies, hostas, medicinal plants, and hardy ferns.

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