DARPA is independent of other military research and development and reports directly to senior Department of Defense management.
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DARPA is independent of other military research and development and reports directly to senior Department of Defense management.
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In pursuit of this mission, DARPA has developed and transferred technology programs encompassing a wide range of scientific disciplines that address the full spectrum of national security needs.
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All modern operating systems rely on concepts invented for the Multics system, developed by a cooperation among Bell Labs, General Electric and MIT, which DARPA supported by funding Project MAC at MIT with an initial two-million-dollar grant.
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DARPA supported the early development of both hypertext and hypermedia.
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DARPA funded one of the first two hypertext systems, Douglas Engelbart's NLS computer system, as well as The Mother of All Demos.
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DARPA later funded the development of the Aspen Movie Map, which is generally seen as the first hypermedia system and an important precursor of virtual reality.
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However, DARPA lost interest in the ASV, after problems with cold-weather tests.
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In fall 2011, DARPA hosted the 100-Year Starship Symposium with the aim of getting the public to start thinking seriously about interstellar travel.
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On June 5, 2016, NASA and DARPA announced that it planned to build new X-planes with NASA's plan setting to create a whole series of X planes over the next 10 years.
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Between 2014 and 2016, DARPA shepherded the first machine-to-machine computer security competition, the Cyber Grand Challenge, bringing a group of top-notch computer security experts to search for security vulnerabilities, exploit them, and create fixes that patch those vulnerabilities in a fully-automated fashion.
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In June 2018, DARPA leaders demonstrated a number of new technologies that were developed within the framework of the GXV-T program.
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In recent years, DARPA officials have contracted out core functions to corporations.
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DARPA has six technical offices that manage the agency's research portfolio, and two additional support offices that manage special projects and transition efforts.
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DARPA is well known as a high-tech government agency, and as such has many appearances in popular fiction.
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