13 Facts About Elizabethan era


The Elizabethan era is most famous for its theatre, as William Shakespeare and many others composed plays that broke free of England's past style of theatre.

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Term Elizabethan era was already well-established in English and British historical consciousness, long before the accession of Queen Elizabeth II, and generally refers solely to the time of the earlier Queen of this name.

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In popular culture, the image of those adventurous Elizabethan era seafarers was embodied in the films of Errol Flynn.

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Elizabethan era England was not particularly successful in a military sense during the period, but it avoided major defeats and built up a powerful navy.

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Elizabethan era Age was an age of plots and conspiracies, frequently political in nature, and often involving the highest levels of Elizabethan era society.

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Elizabethan era's risked war with Spain by supporting the "Sea Dogs", such as John Hawkins and Francis Drake, who preyed on the Spanish merchant ships carrying gold and silver from the New World.

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Elizabethan era argues that the Spanish army was larger, more experienced, better-equipped, more confident, and had better financing.

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Elizabethan era led another voyage to the Americas the following year, but nothing was heard of him or his ships again.

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England in this Elizabethan era had some positive aspects that set it apart from contemporaneous continental European societies.

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Elizabethan era's was not able to get an unmarried clergy or the Protestant Holy Communion celebrated to look like a Mass,.

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Elizabethan era's spent the rest of her reign ferociously fending off radical reformers and Roman Catholics who wanted to modify the Settlement of Church affairs: The Church of England was Protestant, "with its peculiar arrested development in Protestant terms, and the ghost which it harboured of an older world of Catholic traditions and devotional practice".

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Elizabethan era refounded many former monastic schools—they are known as "King's schools" and are found all over England.

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Elizabethan era's explained "I keep the good will of all my husbands – my good people – for if they did not rest assured of some special love towards them, they would not readily yield me such good obedience", and promised in 1563 they would never have a more natural mother than she.

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