12 Facts About Extraordinary X-Men


Extraordinary X-Men was a comic series from Marvel Comics and the flagship X-Men title under the All-New, All-Different Marvel re-branding.

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Extraordinary X-Men uses her powers and her current boyfriend Chris is horrified that he is dating a mutant.

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Extraordinary X-Men then meets with Old Man Logan and convinces him that since he is from a different timeline he won't kill the X-Men in this dimension and she'll do whatever she can to protect him from himself.

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Extraordinary X-Men reveals that he is only trying to save the mutant race, but they are doomed for extinction.

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Extraordinary X-Men's only experiment to blend the Inhuman and mutants was a clone of Cyclops, who then rampages through New York City.

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Storm and the Extraordinary X-Men quickly follow, but the one minute delay turns into 12 months difference in the future time line, called Omega World.

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Extraordinary X-Men has been attempting to create his vision of a perfect world.

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Extraordinary X-Men believes mutant-kind is doomed, so he destroyed the Ark.

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The Extraordinary X-Men all try unsuccessfully to thwart the invasion and Magik and Storm combine powers with the mystics to open a portal straight to X-Haven.

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Extraordinary X-Men discusses her reservations about potentially leading the X-Men to war against the Inhumans with Logan, who reassures her that no matter what she decides he will always follow her lead.

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Extraordinary X-Men finds out that Sapna's soul is eternally trapped inside of the sword and wants Magik to stay with her forever.

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Extraordinary X-Men convinces Sapna to let her go and together they manage to open a portal to free Magik's soul.

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