31 Facts About Hasidic Judaism


Hasidism, sometimes spelled Chassidism, and known as Hasidic Judaism, is a Jewish religious group that arose as a spiritual revival movement in the territory of contemporary Western Ukraine during the 18th century, and spread rapidly throughout Eastern Europe.

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Present-day Hasidism is a sub-group within Haredi Hasidic Judaism and is noted for its religious conservatism and social seclusion.

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Hasidic Judaism thought draws heavily on Lurianic Kabbalah, and, to an extent, is a popularization of it.

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Affiliation is often retained in families for generations, and being Hasidic Judaism is as much a sociological factor – entailing birth into a specific community and allegiance to a dynasty of Rebbes – as it is a purely religious one.

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The "Neo-Hasidic Judaism" interpretation influenced even scholarly discourse to a great degree, but had a tenuous connection with reality.

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The mystical teachings formulated during the first era were by no means repudiated, and many Hasidic Judaism masters remained consummate spiritualists and original thinkers; as noted by Benjamin Brown, Buber's once commonly accepted view that the routinization constituted "decadence" was refuted by later studies, demonstrating that the movement remained very much innovative.

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All Hasidic Judaism schools devoted a prominent place in their teaching, with differing accentuation, to the interchanging nature of Ein, both infinite and imperceptible, becoming Yesh, "Existent" – and vice versa.

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Hasidic Judaism masters exhorted their followers to "negate themselves", paying as little heed as they could for worldly concerns, and thus, to clear the way for this transformation.

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Hasidic Judaism thinkers argued that in order to redeem the sparks hidden, one had to associate not merely with the corporeal, but with sin and evil.

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Hasidic Judaism was able to transcend matter, gain spiritual communion, Worship through Corporeality and fulfill all the theoretical ideals.

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Hasidic Judaism's commanding and often – especially in the early generations – charismatic presence was to reassure the faithful and demonstrate the truth in Hasidic philosophy by countering doubts and despair.

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Hasidic Judaism's followers were to sustain and especially to obey him, as he possessed superior knowledge and insight gained through communion.

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Several of these Hasidic Judaism schools had lasting influence over many dynasties, while others died with their proponents.

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Hasidic Judaism was famous for his lavish, enthusiastic conduct during prayer and worship, and extremely charismatic demeanour.

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Hasidic Judaism stressed that as Tzaddiq, his mission was to influence the common folk by absorbing Divine Light and satisfying their material needs, thus converting them to his cause and elating them.

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Hasidic Judaism mocked the attempts to perceive the nature of infinite-finite dialectics and the manner in which God still occupies the Vacant Void albeit not, stating these were paradoxical, beyond human understanding.

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Hasidic Judaism is personally attended by aides known as Gabbai or Mashbak.

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Ecstatic, often wordless Hasidic Judaism melodies developed new expressions and depths of the soul in Jewish life, often drawing from folk idioms of the surrounding gentile culture, which were adapted to elevate their concealed sparks of divinity, according to Lurianic theology.

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Much of Hasidic Judaism dress was historically the clothing of all Eastern European Jews, influenced by the style of Polish–Lithuanian nobility.

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Hasidic Judaism women wear clothing adhering to the principles of modest dress in Jewish law.

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Hasidic Judaism Tales are a literary genre, concerning both hagiography of various Rebbes and moralistic themes.

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In Israel, the largest Hasidic Judaism concentrations are in the Haredi neighbourhoods of Jerusalem – including Ramot Alon, Batei Ungarin, et cetera – in the cities of Bnei Brak and El'ad, and in the West Bank settlements of Modi'in Illit and Beitar Illit.

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Hasidic Judaism's acolytes led small groups of adherents, persecuted by other Hasidim, and disseminated his teachings.

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Hasidic Judaism was known to pray ecstatically and with great intention, again in order to provide channels for the divine light to flow into the earthly realm.

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Hasidic Judaism succeeded the former upon his death, though other important acolytes, mainly Jacob Joseph of Polonne, did not accept his leadership.

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Hasidic Judaism was able to bring down prosperity and guidance from the higher Sephirot, and the common people who could not attain such a state themselves would achieve it by "clinging" to and obeying him.

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Hasidic Judaism symbolized the new era, brokering peace between the small Hasidic sect in Hungary to its opponents.

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In 1912, many Hasidic leaders partook in the creation of the Agudas Israel party, a political instrument intended to safeguard what was now named Orthodox Judaism even in the relatively traditional East; the more hard-line dynasties, mainly Galician and Hungarian, opposed the Aguda as "too lenient".

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Talented and charismatic Hasidic Judaism masters emerged, who re-invigorated their following and drew new crowds.

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Hasidic Judaism halted the hemorrhage of his followers, and retrieved many Litvaks and Religious Zionists whose parents were Gerrer Hasidim before the war.

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High fertility rates, increasing tolerance and multiculturalism on behalf of surrounding society, and the great wave of newcomers to Orthodox Hasidic Judaism which began in the 1970s all cemented the movement's status as very much alive and thriving.

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