Orthodox Judaism is the collective term for the traditionalist and theologically conservative branches of contemporary Judaism.
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Orthodox Judaism is the collective term for the traditionalist and theologically conservative branches of contemporary Judaism.
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The word Orthodox Judaism was borrowed from the general German Enlightenment discourse, and used not to denote a specific religious group, but rather those Jews who opposed Enlightenment.
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This, and all that it entailed, constituted a notable change, for the Orthodox Judaism had to adapt to the new circumstances no less than anyone else; they developed novel, sometimes radically so, means of action and modes of thought.
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Orthodox Judaism was deeply troubled by reports from his native Frankfurt and the arrival from the west of dismissed rabbis, ejected by progressive wardens, or pious families, fearing for the education of their children.
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Orthodox Judaism was unwilling to trade halakhic opinions with those he considered as merely pretending to honor the rules of rabbinic discourse, while intending to undermine the very system.
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Orthodox Judaism, too, had to tread carefully during the 1810s, tolerating a modernized synagogue in Pressburg and other innovations, and his yeshiva was nearly closed by warden Wolf Breisach.
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Orthodox Judaism was forbidden from interfering in the Temple's conduct.
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Orthodox Judaism introduced secular studies for children, wore a cassock like a Protestant clergyman, and delivered frequent vernacular sermons.
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Orthodox Judaism forbade the spontaneous, informal character of synagogue conduct typical of Ashkenazi tradition, and ordered prayers to be somber and dignified.
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Orthodox Judaism adopted Maimonides' interpretation of the Talmudic concept tinok shenishba, a Jew by birth who was not raised as such and therefore could be absolved for not practicing the Law, and greatly expanded it to serve the Orthodox need to tolerate the nonobservant majority .
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Orthodox Judaism soon found his expectations dashed: The traditionalist rabbis scorned him for his European manners and lack of Talmudic acumen, and were enraged by his attempts to impose synagogue reform and to establish a modern rabbinical seminary with comprehensive secular studies.
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Orthodox Judaism led them for the remainder of his life, finding Frankfurt an ideal location to implement his unique ideology, which amalgamated acculturation, dogmatic theology, thorough observance and now strict secessionism from the non-Orthodox.
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Orthodox Judaism opened a modern school in Eisenstadt, which combined secular and religious studies, and traditionalists such as Moshe Schick and Yehudah Aszod sent their sons there.
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In 1865, the ultra-Orthodox Judaism convened in Nagymihaly and issued a ban on various synagogue reforms, intended not against the Neologs but against developments in the Orthodox Judaism camp, especially after Samuel Sofer violated his father's expressed ban and instituted German-language sermons in Pressburg.
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Internal Orthodox Judaism division was conflated by growing tension with the Neologs.
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Yet the Orthodox Judaism tolerated countless nonobservant Jews as long as they affiliated with the national committee: Adam Ferziger stressed that membership and loyalty to one of the respective organizations, rather than beliefs and ritual behavior, emerged as the definitive manifestation of Jewish identity.
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Orthodox Judaism was appointed rabbi of the small Orthodox sub-community in Berlin, where he finally established his seminary.
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Orthodox Judaism decreed that since the mother community was willing to finance Orthodox services and allow them religious freedom, secession was unwarranted.
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The Communal Orthodox Judaism argued that their approach was both true to Jewish unity, and decisive in maintaining public standards of observance and traditional education in Liberal communities, while the Secessionists viewed them as hypocritical middle-of-the-roaders.
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Definite and conclusive credo was never formulated in Orthodox Judaism; the very question whether it contains any equivalent of dogma is a matter of scholarly controversy.
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However, while lacking a uniform doctrine, Orthodox Judaism is basically united in affirming several core beliefs, disavowal of which is considered major blasphemy.
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Classical Orthodox Judaism did incorporate a tradition of belief in the resurrection of the dead.
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Orthodox Judaism was responsible to judicially instruct all members of his community.
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Orthodox Judaism emphasizes practicing rules of kashrut, Shabbat, family purity, and tefilah .
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Orthodox Judaism men are expected to wear a ritual fringe called Tzitzit, and the donning of a head-covering for males at all times is a well-known attribute distinguishing Orthodox Judaism Jews.
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Orthodox Judaism lacks any central framework or a common, authoritative leadership.
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The second largest Orthodox Judaism concentration is in the United States, mainly in the Northeast and specifically in New York and New Jersey.
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